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hello everyone~!!

i forgot how that goes

eh whatever

anywho sorry for being absent i meant to post something when i was leaving for my grandparents but i ending up leaving that night as soon as i came home from soccer

then i kind of fell off of that since i was doing woodwork with my grandpa and cooking with my grandma

then i got back from their place, went through my normal soccer schedule

then a softball tournament for emily

then again another normal weekend

then this weekend on saturday we went to super chef which is a super hero themed place to eat, and went to some stores

then on sunday we went to kings island and it was pretty good

since there was three of us one of us rode alone which was me since i am the most thrill seeking person in our family

like legit i would ride any roller coaster there is

and to which sometimes i would
get paired with someone random

and a couple of times since they have old wooden roller coasters which are more painful for adults some little kids would come up to me and want to ride together

i guess they saw me as like responsible and that i would help them

anywho on to today

i didn't end up going to soccer this morning since i got home at 12:30 and couldn't fall asleep until 2 and i get up for soccer at 5:30

so i didn't end up going

i woke up then at 9

had some self made breakfast

got to working on a package for laly (btw i might not send it until next week since i need to finish something in the middle part)

and while i'm writing something my youtube goes off to random videos so it went to like a twin video

and let me tell you when i'm alone my emotions are like to the max

and there's this line in it that is about twins that are in the womb but only one lives

and about how they made a blue butterfly mean don't ask that mother about the deceased one

but the line was the blue butterfly line which is " not all twins walk side by side; sometimes one has wings to fly"

and i like started crying for some reason

i didn't really eat lunch

then i went on working with figuring out how i'm gonna do a part of tft

oh btw i finally uploaded chap 24 pm saturday

okay so like today before bed (i think i've mentioned this before but my parents don't let me have my phone in my room at night)

so i go downstairs and ask where the charger is

my dad is like ask your mom

so i did and she got all heated because our convo was something like this

"where is the charger?"

"what charger?"

"the phone charger"

and not exaggerating how this went but this how she responded


so i turn to my dad and he's like "you didn't have to push her fucking buttons"

like dude how would i know that would set her off

and then he's like "then get your charger and charger your phone down here"

i'm like "i can't cause i need it for my ipod cause it has my alarm on it"

and then he goes to my sister and makes her give him one

but then he finds the other one on the ground

and i hear him say like "fucking stupid couldn't find it on the floor"


so basically recently every time i put in my contacts my eyes get bloodshot instantly and stay like that until like an hour or so after i take them out

but i need to wear my contacts for soccer and sports

like sorry man my eyes are literally dead

sometimes i feel like if i had the chance i would just walk out of this life right now

like i'm just gonna disappear

god if my parents found out about this acc and this book thing they'd literally kill me

my dad was legit gonna kill me when he found out i had an instagram account WHICH I WAS ALOUD TO HAVE AFTER SIXITH GRADE

like bitch i didn't break your rules

so yeah after that he made me give him all the info about all my
accounts like he has my email passwords, insta password and like all that other shit

so yeah after that he made me give him all the info about all myaccounts like he has my email passwords, insta password and like all that other shit

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oh yeah also like i'd like to meet some guys who actually don't message every girl because he is so desperate

is that too hard to ask for ?

also like is it too much to ask for brock to go to central ?

is it ?

^something id like to have

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^something id like to have

the last new song for you that you found? (like not a new new song but one you discovered)

Don't Run Away by Tyler James


signing off-

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