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hello everyone!!~

now i continue to believe that everyone on this site has died, or at least the people i follow have

and my spring allergies are popping up because of the "spring" weather that will soon be gone by this morning

some people are saying that we might get a snow day on wednesday because of the timing of the freezing rain

anywho today-

first period we did some reading from a book, some class notes and then homework (history)

second period we continued to work on our dot project (art)

third period i mostly was thinking of concepts for future chapters and other things (study hall)

fourth period we did some aleks and i nearly cried because someone asked if they could use the bathroom and they sounded like a pack a day smoker (math)

fifth period i am actually blanking on what happened, hello brain you there (lunch)

sixth period we did an online common lit and during that christian poured the contents of my pencil pouch on the floor and i about nearly slapped him out of his chair (language arts)

seventh period we did a lab, and then there was a fire drill in the middle of class and i also almost slapped this kid named tyler for various reasons (science)

after school was track, it all was pretty normal

i got home and did some homework

i went to conditioning again

got home and did some sorting

my word i need to clean my room this weekend or on wednesday if we don't have school

okay so now onto something that happened to this girl at my school

so well uhm apparently she sent this video of her ya know masturbating to this guy

and the video ended up getting spread around

bUt you don't understand she's acting like nothing happened

yet like the entire grade knows

i can't look at her the same way

anyways that's about it


heckles yeah man

is there something you've worried for in the future?

actually yes, well besides like school, sports and jobs... it would probably be falling out of contact with my friends, because frankly i don't want to forget all the good times i've had

signing out-

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