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hello everyone!!~

so yeah i know i'm
updating this now

i meant to do it last night but let me tell
you i was so exhausted like i laid down and was like "alright shan gotta type this then you can sleep" but i couldn't find my ipod so i was like fuck it

and thus i slept immediately so yeah that happened

anywyas i got up around 10 and laid around till 11 because i knew i had a soccer game

and my coughing is horrible but it's not too bad

anyways my soccer game was at 1

and it was the biggest game of the season for us

because with indoor soccer you play 6v6 so obviously our two outdoor teams made up three indoor teams

so two of our teams are at the highest level in the indoor, and the other team is one lower

so two of ours (called yando and blue) play at the A level

and the other one (sand) plays at the B level

so i'm on the Yando team and this game was vs the Blue team

(we can't play Sand because of the lower level)

so the Yando team is mostly made up of my outdoor team

and the Blue team is mostly made out of the other outdoor team

going into the game we knew that Blue has the better of the two teams,
but they tend to get hella cocky about it

so the game was super close

and our coachs (John and Michelle) came to watch, along came the club owner (Gino)

so the game was super close as i said

there was never a moment where a team was leading with more than one goal higher than the other

we ended the game at a tie of 5-5

we took pictures and had some cookies with the other team

oh also the importance of Gino, like he played nationals and let's just say he is the club

SP stands for Sporting Paudela

and Gino's name is Gino Paudela

search him up if you want

anyways i mostly was a couch potato for the rest of the day

after dinner my family played superfight

heckles yeah

favorite board game?


signing off-

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