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hello everyone!!~

today was just aestheticly pleasing cause like i love when the date matches like


i'm such a weeeB

anywho today~

first period we just started a project (history)

second period we did some graffiti again and like it was taking me forever cause i used gelly roll pens but that was my choice (art)

third period i just tried to finish up Before The Storm and i did so heck yeah (study hall)

fourth period we did this weird line thing (math)

fifth period was normal, but ava did chubby bunny with grapes again and it went everywhere (lunch)

sixth period we watched a video on Auschwitz and it was depressing (language arts)

seventh period we had a quiz and i aced it, then we did some packet work on seismic waves (science)

then again after school was running club, and i've got a headache because of running in the club

after that i had soccer practice, and it was fun, it's nice to play soccer and not have my dad watching me

i mean i also i knocked a guy out so that was fun

he totally face planted into the floor, he was being cocky so he kinda deserved it

i went home, had some chipotle

went to psr

and i had to lead the prayer at the end about encouragement for the other kids for the week

so basically i was like "i hope every test or quiz your struggling with will go well, and that any at home issues
are resolved. and finally if your having issues with your friends that it'll be okay in the end"

and my teacher was like shook cause i barely speak anything in that class besides some answers for questions

i went to pick up my sister from batting

i went home had a shower

and here we are now

heckles yeah

the person who's on your mind the most?

hah you guessed it, it's A

asdfghjkl earlier tonight i said i might wear a dress tomorrow and he's like
"a dress would look cute on you"

and i was freaking out

signing out-

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