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hello everyone~!!

anywho basically wattpad isn't let me respond to comment rn

i promise i'm not ignoring anyone it's just not working

tomorrow i'll get on the computer to respond since it isn't working on the app

anywho let's get on with the day

i got up at 7:30 ish

i got picked up for soccer at 8:45 i think

i can't remember what time practice started cause i don't remember being awake at 7:30 but whatever

had practice from 9 to 11:30

my ankle fricking popped when we were running and it feels like it's gonna crack

but then again i can crack my feet and toes really easily but this feels different


got home and chatted with people until 12 ish

then since my mom said she would bring home lunch around 1:30

i decided to play overwatch with lu cause we could

we basically carried and then i got voted best teammate and team leader cause i called the shots and organized stuff

then we had steak and shake for lunch

i went upstairs and cleaned and organized again

then we went out for dinner at wendells

and i lowkey lost it at one point

like i could think straight and started messing up my words and stuff

it was literally because i couldn't remember was callahan in which movie

it's from big hero 6

but it bothered me so much that i couldn't remember what it was from

yeah anyways i'm better now or at least i hope

we went to mejier and i got a notebook, i have an idea what i'll use it for but i might keep that a secret for awhile

once i get it set up then i'll share my idea

when i got home i was picking up my desk while watching the overwatch league

watched that from 8 to 10

heck yeah boys boston won

idk i might watch the game that's going on now after i update this but idk

oh yeah so let's clarify what's going on in the gc

they aren't really toxic but last night got strange because amelie got mad cause olivia was swearing at me

but like me and olivia have like that bond that we can pick on eachother without getting hurt

yeah anyways it's fine now

yeah i started picking on her cause she had to use google translate for porque

anywho ima go now since we are starting to play truth or dare

oh yeah it's friday the 13th

don't die ;)

don't die ;)

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are you feeling spooked?

i wasn't until now cause my viola case just fell over and it's by the door and it hasn't fallen over in ages???

like bitch please demons keep my room clean

signing off-

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