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hello everyone!!~

ahh this is late, i got caught up because i was contacting an old friend of mine from a game that we used to play

and partly because i was typing the rest of tft

that'll be up tomorrow, i'm just to make final touches and then i'll upload it

anywho today-

i got up around 8 and i left the house around 8:30

i got to resolute for an indoor soccer game

we ended up beating them 6-0

and i slammed a girl into the wall

and i hurt my knee so yeah

pretty eventful

then we went to dicks to get my sister a new pair of softball cleats

we were there until 12:25 ish

we dropped by a gas station to grab a drink and a quick snack

then i took soccer photos

and then we finally got home around 3

i chilled around until 6 when my parents left

i made some food, took a shower, and did some cleaning in the kitchen

i spent the last half hour typing tft, and as i said earlier it'll be out tomorrow

i think around 3 pst, it depends if we go somewhere after another soccer game tomorrow

i feel like when i type stories they are very bland

like i feel like everything happens too fast

that's on my part though

and plus when you're the one creating it you tend to be harder on yourself

anywyas i'm dead tired


heckles yeah man

what is your lucky number? (not favorite, just one that happens to work out for you)

i have a few -  2,8,20,23

signing out-

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