
9 2 15

hello everyone!!~

first of all i promise today's will be longer and more detailed, last night i didn't want to miss the convo with them :/

anywho i got up around 9 and kinda sat around for a little while because morning are just weird like that and i was unmotivated

then around 12 my dad and sister left to get her blood drawn and so like i had the house to myself for awhile

so i watched some gameplay of life is strange before the storm

but i watched it with my cat, like i put my phone down and she was watching it

so like she was on a chair so i had my head resting on the seat of the chair and she leaned against me

my heart melted it was just so cute

then my dad and sister brought home some Arby's and it was weird cause you know usually when you order something someone's order is messed up, or at least that is my family's luck

but like we got an extra sandwich

like we had our stuff and another sandwich

it was weird but ya know it was chill

then till 4 i cleaned

more stating my point that i'm always cleaning for some reason

anywho i spent the next hour or so talking with ava and A, and i was teaching my cat how to save money

she looked so confused when i put the coins in

it was funny

then from 6 to 8 we had dinner with my neighbor and it was pretty chill since we spent hours just sitting there and talking about random things

and here i am now, 9:56 in bed typing this

waiting for a reply

:// i feel hella lonely for some reason

okay but mini explanation-
so the story line so far for TFT seems to be going a little wonky like, the first chapters were chill, building the relationship of Daiki and Licht, but recently everything has kinda been thrown at you

like between

<wait if you haven't read it yet please just go all the way to the bottom of this update if you want the question, if not please don't spoil it for yourself>

like between Daiki almost dying and then Omi going psycho the story itself has kinda stepped up its game

i do want to mention that i've the story planned out

like i know how it ends and what certain points of the story are

here's a little thing, the part your currently reading (up to the point i've written, like chap 15 rn) your in the part which is labeled BWC

i'm assuming around Chap 40 or 50 ish we will enter a section called DWC

then somewhere around chap 60 ish (somewhere around 10 chaps after DWC starts) we will be entering the final section called TEWC

if your smart you could probably figure out what BWC DWC and TEWC means

but if you do guess correctly i won't tell you

cause spoilers

and once Tft will be officially done, i'm hoping to be done around August,
if i step my game up on updating

there will be a sub series, it will be called Table For Two Magic Begins, which will star a character named Misako

Misako is a huge part in TFT, though she will be ruffly mentioned in TFT

you might be able to guess the connection of "Magic Begins" and Misako

this i will tell you if your correct on

TFTMB (table for two magic begins) will be only around 15 or 20 chapters long

now for TDF i hope to maybe be continuing this until the end of the year, well i mean if the topic of it is still relevant

i'll be trying to update that,
maybe tonight since i'm open :))

heckles yeah

the food you have the craving for most of the time, or most often?

salads, and like i don't know why

signing out-

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