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hello everyone!!~

y'all tomorrow is february, tbh i feel like january went by super slow

idk i feel like the beginning of the school year went by really fast but january feels hella long

maybe it's just me idk

anywho today-

first period we worked on our projects and then presented them to the class, all and all pretty good except sania felt a little sick during that class (history)

second period we started our final drafts and it was pretty good, our teacher was back so we were able to paint and stuff, i just need to put the pieces together and i'll be done (art)

third period i did some homework and then started to watch dead space, also wrote a letter to lola about A (study hall)

fourth period we played kahoot and so someone told me if you get top three you get a caprison and i was like i am winning this no matter what, the stakes are too high. so me and my partner get top three but she didn't have caprisons so we got fruit snacks (math)

fifth period was normal, me and cyb listened to some more spanish music and our old favorite songs. also accidentally said A was a carnivore because he was eating an apple and my nickname for him was apple and he heard me, like first of all that isn't even what a carnivore is, it's a carnival, and he heard me so i like just put my head in my hands and gave up (lunch)

seminar people were throwing this purple thing that was down in someone's pants and people were screaming, it was crazy

sixth period we took some notes and i bonded with christian because we've gotten to the level that i can take his paper and wrote notes on it, so improvement (language arts)

seventh period we were supposed to do our project but i was texting christian about flowers, so i got like nothing done (science)

after school was running club, i was able to go more then normal because my practice got moved back to 5

but this girl was straight up following me like stop please

and she apparently decides to tell me a story about she got a thong as a gift

and i'm just ??? very uncomfortable about it

after that mess i went to practice, and since we joined with a different group i got to see my old friends and it was pretty good

i sped ate tacos in the car because psr started at 7 and practice ended at 6, but it takes like 30 minutes to get there so i couldn't go home to properly eat

at psr we had this guest speaker and she was taking about love

overall it was a pretty good hour and a half speech and it was really interesting

i took a shower after finishing some homework

and here i am

heckles yeah

favorite type of wing sauce?

buffalo or hot buffalo

signing  off-

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