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hello everyone!!~

my eyes are burning ¿ so i might be dying

anyways my grandparents are coming in tomorrow so that's pretty neat

anywho today-

first period we went over homework and then we started a little project which was about the battle of 1812 (history)

second period we did the grid for a little project and it's with hole
punched circles, i ended up doing syndrome from the incredibles and it doesn't look half bad so i'm happy with that (art)

third period i did some homework for language arts and then did some sketching and caught up
on a series (study hall)

fourth period we took our team test which was hella easy (math)

fifth period i played cynthia some hot tunes from big time rush (lunch)

sixth period, and seminar, we presented our book projects (language arts)

i left after sixth period to go to the eye doctors

it was pretty smooth, apparently
i aced all the tests for vision and stuff my prescription didn't change

it didn't take too long so it wasn't too painful

after that we got an early dinner at noddles and company, i had some mac and cheese and a side cesar salad

i also spilled strawberry hi-ci on myself because my lid moved when i was filling it up

after that we went to mejier because my sister wanted something

i also got 4 things

and they are random like one of them makes no sense

so i got some pencils, reasonable
because i was running out of pencils for school

secondly i got a notebook for some notes i'm taking on side things, again reasonable

thirdly i got a face mask because i wanted to try one out, reasonable

but lastly i got air dry clay, why? i'm not sure, i want to do like something with it bUt it's the good kind so like not model magic

we got home and i did some more cleaning

and ever since i've been working on upcoming chapters and i've been working on a notebook for mr. ednee, i'll show some picture of it soon

i'm so
tired now, probably because i had like no protein because of no meat fridays for lent

heckles yeah

last song you listened to that you had forgotten about for awhile?

downtown by macklemore and ryan lewis

signing out-

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