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hello everyone!!~

so bless today we had a snow day

lowkey hoping that tomorrow we also have one

but i doubt it

hey but a girl can still dream can't she?

so anywho starting with what I did today~

so i was awake around 5, because life is like that

oh wait btw I stayed up till 1 but i was upset because one of my friends got mad at me for defending someone i've known since kindergarten

ohoho so like also when that happened i got off my bed to grab something and i cut my ankle on my bed frame and it hurt like hell

well basically my mom sent me a text at like 4 that we didn't have any school so i would see it when I got my phone from downstairs

here a quick explanation, my parents don't let me have my phone in my room past 10 pm, but i've brought it upstairs before ya know

but anyways i went back to bed until 9 

bam had some breakfast

went back upstairs for a bit

around 11 i got the computer and started TFT chapter 16

then I took a break for lunch

went back to typing

took another break around 4 ish

AND finally at 6 ish I was done typing Tft, i think it was like 5:30 when I finished

soo after that I decided to finally put all of Tft into a google doc, just in case wattpad decides to delete it all

so when I did that, offically the 16 chapter all by themselves, like none of the extra things, anyways it was 100 pages

so then I had some dinner, basically leftovers

I went through my piggy bank and now my hands smell like metal

now i'm here before i finish Life Is Strange Before The Storm

i'm in the last segment of it from the GTLive streams

heckles yeah man


something that you think most people don't know about you?


i've eaten alligator before at a restaurant because my grandpa told me it was chicken nuggets and then he showed us the menu and there wasn't any chicken nuggets, there was only alligator bites

signing off-  

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