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hey spooky sisters !!

uh yeah we are starting off different

so since i've kinda changed this from a school thing into me talking to you guys about random things

so let's see today's topic will be.....

mental breakdowns and a hint of crushes

so let's start off with mental breakdowns

now besides my daily breakdown let's talk about my most recent big one :)

so you know 2 nights ago at like 2 am i was watching a video you know minding my own business

and it mentions paper

and i had an essay due 2 nights before at 11:59 pm :)








so thus my mental breakdown

and yeah i just completely lost it and just let everything out

i was hyperventilating and living my best life

so anywho after let's say a half hour or so it went away

and i went into a state of literally feeling nothing at all

and then i passed out

bUT then when i woke up to back into a full on mental breakdown

so you know

having fun

but anywho that's not the point

i'm gonna give you some tips and tricks to having a mental breakdown

1.) i highly suggest watching something really old like 2015 fail videos or maybe just some nostalgia shows or movie. it probably will make you laugh and forget what you were stressing over

2.) write something down about what you will do about it, ex. email about projects/essays due or note about what was happening

3.) let yourself calm down and deal with it later, the best thing to do is just forget

4.) let things happen!! bro life is full of bad things and you know sometimes it just happens. maybe for a reason if you believe it happened

5.) it will be a bad hour or so, not a bad life!!!!!!! it's not going to affect you 20 years from now, heck even 20 days from now

6.) sleep, sleep is bliss. let us overcome you

7.) listen to some good bops from your childhood, go all out and sing all the lyrics and make some funky dance moves

8.) text or call a friend who makes you laugh

uh those are just some for rn but hopefully they help in future breakdowns :))

okay so now onto my little segment of crushes -

they suck

like my dude i am head over heals for this dude way out of my league

but hey i'm getting slight vibes from him too

like the way he smiles at me across the room

m y h e a r t

OH also wanted to mention that just let your crushes happen, like i know it takes a lot of courage to say something about it but once it's off your shoulders you either got some feelings back or you can move on to some other nice kid in class

but yeet

like my word i am in love with his smile

like wtf

it's subtle and yeah

so my friend mentioned that maybe this dude likes my laugh how i like his smile cause my dude every time i laugh even if it's across the room he smiles to me or to himself

and dude once i caught him looking at me but then he looked away and smiled to himself

i'm probably over exaggerating everything

but yeah

those are my thoughts for right now

qotd-are there any topics you want me to cover and talk about with my personal experience and some advice for it?

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are there any topics you want me to cover and talk about with my personal experience and some advice for it?


signing off-

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