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hello everyone!!~

so you know i said i was going to fix my wattpad today

that never happened

because i got really upset

to the point where there were t e a r s in my eyes in the car bc of my dad

i'll explain later

anywho today-

i woke up around 8

laid in bed till 9 ish doing nothing

i ate a small breakfast at like 9:30

left the house at 11:15 ish

went to resolute for indoor soccer

we went to harry buffalo for lunch around 2

and my dad was mad at me for something

aka why i was almost crying in the car

because he was yelling at me in resolute

and this one point my mom and sister go to the bathroom leaving me and my dad alone at the table

my heart was being so fast

it was awkward because we didn't talk

we went home and i did some laundry

cried a bit bc emotions

i took a shower

then my parents left at 7 for some grub

and i've been watching videos and i was being upset until now

i've got a headache again

less painful than last time

but they are still bad

heckles yeah

who made you the happiest today?

probably A because i was having issues with my dad and A can bring my mood up instantly

and he actually listens to me when i want to rant about something

signing off-

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