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hello everyone-

so hey yeah i'm back whatever but anywyas let's start with a part of a book that's been on my mind for awhile now

actually all day in fact

anywyas this is it

when i wake in the middle of the night, Cotton still hasn't returned and Guy is keeping watch. My eyelids feel weighted, but i've opened them far enough to see that Guy is sitting beside me, his body curved toward mine like a human shield. He's staring into the dying fire and chewing the inside of his cheek. The hood of his jacket is pulled up around his head, and the fire cats shadows dover his angular features. Everything about his face- his harsh, deep set eyes, his strong jaw, the scar cutting through a dark eyebrow- they come together like an artists capturing of crude, raw masculinity. He sees me watching. He bends to kiss my forehead. His lips linger there, and the warmth of them is so delicious, I forget to breathe. He smells like nice, safe things: campfire smoke and snow covered cedars. But his body looks fatal. His lips leave my skin, and his voice is rough when he speaks. "Go back to sleep"
And so i do

so anywyas that's part of a book and the whole thing why he does that is because they got in a fight earlier

but whatever they are my otp so it's chill

actually lemme type the birthday scene for you cause it was adorable

"Have you had enough to eat?" a low voice asks. I find M-4 sitting behind me, panting. Beside him is Guy. "The cake vanished before i could get any." I say. I continue petting the pig until a wide, strong hand lowers.
"Dance with me?"

My stomach flips. I'm furious with him, and yet if I show my anger, it'll only prove how childish he must think i am. Also, his hand looks so clean and warm, and i want so badly to feel it in my own. Before I accept his offer to dance, I get to my feet and rub my hand through his lion's mane. I want Guy to know I'm not in any rush to dance with him and that maybe his pandora is more interesting. M-4 jerks his head back and shows his teeth, but i don't miss the way the big cats eyes soften. "Blow me a hot air balloon, won't you, cat?" I coo to the lion. The pandora gazes up at Guy like I'm crazy. Guy nods his head, and the lion roars. When he does, a flame ball shoots from his jaws. The fire is comforting in a strange way. It makes me feel alive. I don't believe  i'll ever see a day when watching a pandora do something extraordinary doesn't turn my world upside down, however briefly.
I take Guys hand.
He leads me to the deck, and Mr. Larson softens his voice, bringing an upbeat song to a close. The bulbous man mutters something to Jaxon, who's now on the drum, and then straightens his back. This time, when he sings, his words open like a rose to the sun. I don't understand what he says, but it feels like strolling through a field of despair, like finding true love on the other side of the world and never holding that person in your arms. It makes chest ache in a maddening, uncontrollable way, and if Guy weren't holding me so close, I might not find the will to stand. I never knew music could affect me in such a manner until this moment.
Until Guy's cheeks caresses mine.
Until his hand spreads across my lower back and his thumb traces the ridges of my spine.

there's a lot more to it but i can't type all of it rn but basically like they dance and he starts humming to the music and she realizes that he is connected with music cause he's full of sorrow

then they talk during the dance and she's like "i'm stronger than you think"

and he's like "i know but..."

then the boat explodes basically

oh yeah they were on a boat for the second exert

and then the first one was in a cave on a mountain

anyWays that probably doesn't make sense to you guys because the book is confusing but ya know

they are really cute together

and basically the ending scene makes my heart BREAK every time i read it

like not to spoil the book but basically Guy is this strong, no emotions dude and like at the end of the book she finds him crying

and like i'm shook

because he never cries

well actually he cried once before


y'all i actually cried at the end of this book sooooo yeah


um that's about it?

oh and my hamstring is killing me so yeah great

it's not getting better


oH also i mean the ending scene is cute cause they are sitting there and he opens her palm and he spells out letters on her hand and swipes means the word is over

and basically he does

I swipe L O V E swipe Y O U

and i'm crying over here in the corner soooooo

leave me IN MY DESPAIR

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