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hello everyone!!~

so i didn't update tft or start mr.ednee because my mother was like,

"let's clean the house"

me being like, "but we already cleaned the house.?"

and she's like


i swear my mom turns into a demon when we clean

anywho today-

i accidentally slept in some more so i woke up at 10:30

i ate some breakfast which was french toast because my mom was like

making french toast out of some leftover bread from dinner some time ago

i cleaned the house for awhile

had some lunch around 1 ish

i think it was berries bagels, so i had a egg bagel for lunch

i cleaned again until 6

i ate some mac n cheese for dinner around 6

and i left the house with my mom and sister at 7:30 to go see black panther

so i watched black panther until 10:30

it was a long movie, i think it was 2 hours and 15 minutes

i really liked this movie

they had some quality jokes

i would recommend it

heckles yeah man

last youtube you watched?


signing off-

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