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hello everyone~!

so it says not connected to internet yet i am so if this goes up on the correct date i'll be surprised

so idk if last nights update went out

or maybe everyone is dead again

but nevertheless here is some tae for whoever stumbles upon this

but nevertheless here is some tae for whoever stumbles upon this

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uhm today i spent in the sun outside at a field an hour and a half away from home

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uhm today i spent in the sun outside at a field an hour and a half away from home

i was gone from the house for 12 hours

the only thing i ate was some chex mix

i was really hungry

but i didn't buy any concessions

uh i teared up at one point because my coach got teary eyed when having her closing speech for the end of my soccer season



i talked to kat over the phone for 20 minutes

i had a salad when i got home

uhm right now i'm pretty tired

last night i couldn't fall asleep for the longest time

here's a picture of manager kim for estcay hearts on webtoon

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here's a picture of manager kim for estcay hearts on webtoon

i don't know what else to say

oh i found a thing from when i low key had a crush on an online friend for like 2 years straight

there was this old status update i had that said "what if i said i fell in love with my best friend ;)"

from like 2015

anywyas the person who i had a crush on i called him kay

he knew i liked him for awhile

and then he told me he had liked me for while

then we dated for like 6 months before we stopped talking to each other


yeah that back brought memories

from my old online friends and stuff

OH speaking of which i got into contact with two of them recently

they are doing well, one spams me with pictures of their pets and the other one we basically talk about everything going on with life

so the second one who i talked to everything about is named Rose

we have like a family like bond

we look out for eachother and always give eachother the low down on our opinions of people they talk to

we've always been very close

so it was super nice chatting with her again

rose is a year older than me, which is funny because i act like the older one when talking

like yesterday she was telling me about this dude she liked and that he might like her too

so i was like "what's he like" and all the jazz

i've seen her go through many bad relationships, and we've always made it through it together

so needles to say i did do a full check on this dude

he seems nice

so he better not cheat on her

i made a new friend, which ill refer to her by her user

so Disney and I met like 3 days ago but i can tell you this girls life story

anyways she was telling me how this dude was like hitting on her

and saying that he wanted to be more than best friends

and LEgit he said that this morning

and by the end of the night tonight he has a gf ???

like hello MIXED SIGNALS

she didn't like him anyways but still

anywho that's enough for now


who is the closest online friend you have?

Rose and Ashley

signing off-

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