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hello everyone!!~

so i didn't update yesterday for this part because my ipod was acting dumb as fuck

so it was dead so i plugged it in and it worked

but once it hit 3% it didn't want to charge

and it wasn't my charger because i checked it on my phone and it was charging my phone?? like tf

anywho today-

so i believe i got up around 9 but i sat in bed procrastinating to get up until 10:30

i ate a quick breakfast

then around 12 i went to Dicks with my dad and my sister to get somethings

my sister got a new softball bag

oh yeah i forgot to mention when it happened but my sister made the JV softball team as a freshman so that's pretty cool, congrats to her

and then i got some track spikes

and my sister was looking at softball spikes and i think they are ordering them online

anyways we grab some chipotle and then we head home

when we get home my grandparents arrived there like a half an hour before us

we eat some grub

and then around 2:30 we leave for my soccer game

my soccer game was at 3:20 and we played against a team called freedom

i don't know why i mentioned the team name like literally no one knows the clubs

a n y w a y s

this was our second indoor game against them

we played them our first indoor game and we won 4-2, so this time they really wanted to beat us

and the entire game the referee was making bad calls partly because he knew freedoms coach and you could tell that he didn't want to call any fouls on them

so then literally a girl from freedom trips me and he calls the foul on me because she fell on me after she tripped me

he literally said to me "dangerous play, freedom free kick"

and i'm like ¿

anywyas we ended up tying them 3-3 which we were pretty okay with because of the ref being unfair and other things

we basically spent the rest of the day chilling around the house

heckles yeah man

what song describes you? (o n e song, can be one specific line if the whole song doesn't)

headstrong by trapt

partly because the chorus of the song is "back off i'll take you on, headstrong to take on anyone"

and it relates to me because if you fuck with me or my friends, i'll fucking take you down

just ask laly, she knows that i'll beat up anyone who makes one of my friends cry

signing off-

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