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hello everyone!!~

ew tomorrow is valentine's day

and i'm coughing like an insane person

like yes hello immune system are you alive

anywho today-

first period we did a little project and watched some olympics (history)

second period was normal, and we got our official forms for the solo and ensemble competition, i'll touch on that subject later (orchestra)

third period i mostly checked over our project for science and read a bit of my book (office helper)

fourth period we did some notes and book work, overall it was really easy (math)

fifth period i went in for science, we went through our project and practiced, i also learned that jenna eats a lot of ketchup (lunch)

sixth period we took a quiz and read some stories about murder, and dramatically talked about them. there was this part where someone was like "jaCk" and i remember that i literally almost screamed jack (language arts)

seventh period we presented our project, and listened to other projects. we went over 5 minutes, but did she think we'd be able to present 30 slides in 5 minutes (science)

after school i had some chili because i didn't have lunch


like tf how do you do that

anyways after that we had some las margaritas

oh touching on the subject of the competition

so i was really looking forward to it this year since it would be the last

and apparently i've got two soccer games in middletown, which is like 2 hours away from my house

so yeah looks like i'll be missing the competition

honestly my soccer schedule is crazy

i've got a tournament on my birthday

with my old club we played 3 tournaments in one year

they were lower cost and so we didn't have to pay as much

but this year ill be playing in 11 tournaments in basically half a year

like tf are you on drugs

not to mention i'll add on roughly 11 games this spring

and practice all week every week

i will have no time to do homework

luckily my schedule is dying down right now

i mostly have to attend my sisters softball stuff, psr and personal trainer things

i'm tired

heckles yeah

are you doing anything special tomorrow for valentines?

i mean i'm giving A a little bear thing that i got awhile back, but i know he likes chocolate so idk

signing off-

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