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hello everyone!!~

after i update this i'm changing my theme to white cause it'll look crisp and modern esk

anywyas so today was pretty chill after this morning


anywho today-

i woke up at 8:30 because my mom came in to say goodbye to pup before she left for work but she told me a story

so apparently last night nugget somehow escaped his cage ??

like dafuq

anyways we found him in my parents closet because my cat was pawing at the door

so all that morning we were like "aww mya you won the cat of the day award"

cause we wouldn't have been able to find nugget if she wasn't pawing at the door

anyways i cleaned my room pretty much all day, like deep cleaning

felt good

most of the day mya watched pip like even when he was sleeping

she was acting like his bodyguard

it was pretty funny

i had lunch around 12

cleaned my room

had dinner at like 8 i think, i'm not sure

then i organized my closet cause it looked messy af

and before bed we checked all
the parts to the cages and even put duck tape on the looser parts to them

really hoping that neither of them will escape

if pip does then he's stuck in my
room because i shoved a blanket under my door so he can't get out of the room


pretty eventful

heckles yeah man

favorite DISNEY movie?

it's tied between mulan and aladin

wow spelling?

signing off-

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