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hello everyone~!!

so ya yeet here we are

uh my throat kinda hurts and my hands feel dry



oh uh let's get started i guess -

pbs- we took a quiz and it wasn't that bad except i know i messed up one question because i messed up one of the numbers, oh and then cause i was finished early i looked over some tft stuff cause i had a folder so people can't look at what i'm doing and like i read this thing i typed ages ago named "tft sick days" from when early this year like 2018 i got super sick and just felt like working on something that wasn't the actual chapter and LEMME TELL U I FEEL SUPER INSPIRED TO FINISH THE NEW CHAP AND GET MORE CONTENT UP so ya yeet i've been thinking about it basically all day (:

english- we had a reading check about the book speak and then we went over citation stuff cause of our hw thing from last week and i swear to you citations have commas for quotes but apparently not

biology- we did a protein lab and basically i kinda spaced out and just went into overload with the lab and boy i just busted it out

spanish- we did a little thing where we taught the class basically going over stuff we have learned and since everyone in my group is basically super introverted i had to speak for the entire thing so it wasn't too bad but this kid was just deadass staring at me like bro what stop

math- boring like usual, and i just colored in my graph paper cause i really was just out of it, and bro i kinda was just thinking about tomato soup??? like idk why but i did

lunch- so like my dad told me he had put some money on my card so i'm like i'll get something from there but i forgot it takes a day to transfer so i was like 65 cents short and i was like whatever i'll just not get this drink and BOY THIS SENIOR OR JUNIOR BEHIND ME PAID FOR IT LIKE BRO WHATTTTT and i felt kinda really embarrassed and i thanked him a lot before i left

art- mostly i talked with katie about our projects we have to finish and i'm gonna say my dragon carving on my pot doesn't look half bad, we just gotta hope the coloring turns out well

history- bro i kinda just spaced out during the hw review and then i basically did nothing on my hw so i'm gonna do that tomorrow morning since tonight i chose to study for stuff instead

so after school my game got cancelled and got replaced with practice

at practice it was pouring and it was actually pretty fun cause like we missed everything cause of it skidding on the turf

but yeah

when i got home we talked about soccer and i went to do a round of overwatch to relieve some stress

and then i had dinner at 8

took a shower after

and then i've been studying since oh and did my math hw cause i don't feel like doing that in the morning

i think that's about it


wow i love this webtoon sm

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wow i love this webtoon sm


what's your favorite song from the greatest showman? (if you haven't listened to the soundtrack i highly recommend it)

an unpopular opinion but my favorite is never enough

i thought of this cause it was playing while i was writing this

signing off-

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