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hello everyone~!!

so yeet i'm getting my life together


uh yeah i just put on some anti itch thing on my bug bite cause it's swollen

and bro it kinda burns

but yeet we gonna leave it on

uh also my bruise is swollen on the same leg as the bug bite so that's fun

on with today

pbs- we did a career cluster and like my 3 highest was human services, which you know like not to sound bad about it but sounds really boring and something i wouldn't like to do with my life, but we had mr k so life was good

english- we had to do a survey for the school during a assembly period thing, but in the actual english class we did a reading check, an in class work thing and then we finished up some things with what we read in speak and i relate to the antagonist cause he walked in with taco bell BUT THATS IT I SWEAR I DONT RAPE GIRLS AT PARTIES

biology- we did some notes and then a quiz and then even more notes

spanish- we did some review and then we talked about stuff for our pop quiz (more on that later)

math- we had our individual test and bro it was so easy like i finished it within five minutes and my teacher was extra shady and was like "are you sure you checked your answers" i was like i think i know what i'm doing

lunch- pretty chill, kinda freaked out cause this website wasn't working for my history stuff and caleb didn't respond to my text about it during lunch

art- my teacher got back and she likes my dragon so that's good and then bless caleb sent me the wkst

history- we went over the rest of past hw and the hw from the previous night, and then we started a wkst

my practice got cancelled because the stadium was reserved and it had rained the entire past two days and we can't play on the fields cause we'll rip them up when they are wet

so mostly when i got home i played some overwatch for fun

and my dude i struggled with the sniper character i've been working with and yeah it was a lot

but it's chill cause i watched this video of one of my favorite youtubers dad play the video game and he's so positive i love him

yeah but then i went to the JV and Varsity soccer games against olentangy brave

spoiler alert we lost both big time

during it i talked with anna about our team and things from sixth grade

like apparently me and anna talked about in our social studies class in sixth grade but i legit cannot remember her being in my class at all

but anywho

i got home and ate some dinner

then began my breakdown during my spanish studying

since like there is a lot on our upcoming quiz and ya girl can't spell for shit

but you know my mom helped me for like 2 hours studying and remembering to study

and tomorrow morning we are gonna go over it before i leave

and here i am typing this before i sleep tonight

that's about it


bro i live for some webtoons like they inspire me sm

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bro i live for some webtoons like they inspire me sm

favorite youtubers at the moment?

zylbrad, salty phish, bro you wack, and andrewjrt

basically all overwatch youtubers

signing off-

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