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hello everyone~!!

okay so i can only respond to comments if i'm on the computer so i'll try to get on the computer tomorrow after my soccer games so i can respond to things

anywyas i went to bed around 2:30 am because i played truth or dare with olivia and brigitte for awhile

but then we just ended up talking about random things all night

at one point olivia's question for me was if i thought of jesse as something more

i'm like uH olivia in cause you didn't notice me and jesse play fight the entire time and we make fun of eachother

and she's like

hmm are you sure?

so i'm like bitch what

so for legit an hour or so i waited for a point where i was asking her and she picked truth

cause i'm like very confused about it

turns out she just kinda liked jesse and she was jealous cause he gave me attention in the gc

i was like o h okay

anywho got up at 8:30 sharp

and i kinda sat in bed until 10:30 and was talking to jesse about things he missed last night cause he's sick so he fell asleep like at 9 pm

then everyone else from my family left around 10:50 ish for softball

and i went downstairs and was talking to jesse about plans for playing ow later that day

then around 12 i got in my time for ow

around 2 i had lunch

then this is when i got very, very angry at everyone

like legitimately i can say it's the angriest i've been at someone in a long time

and yeah

i kind of forget now what it was entirely about but like

i said something and olivia sent something in the gc and jesse just got pissed

and then everybody was like yelling

and i just got so angry at him because he got mad a me for like this random picture i sent

and then he was like listing off the people he cared about in the gc

go figure i wasn't in that

so like i threw down my phone no joke

and i walked away for like 10

and i did nothing i just sat there and stared at the wall

i logged into a different account and started talking to rose (the girl i mentioned last night that was my friend who tried to kill herself)

and i vented to her about everyone in that gc and so that got it off my mind

and then i just still was really angry

so i tried typing tft to calm me down, and to which it did

it's gonna be great since in the beginning of that chapter it's gonna say how flipping angry i was at the time


then me and olivia were talking and it felt nice because we talked about jesse

and i think my favorite part was the first thing she said to me was "yo forget about everything that i said about jesse last night, it's over"

so yeah

i calmed down with that chat and i talked to jesse again about music

and then around 5 or 6 ish we played ow with someone else from the gc but it took me forever to set up the mic since you know my dad tried to make it so i couldn't talk to anyone on games

but heh i figured how to undo it

so yeah good thing is he'll never go on there


then my parents got home with dinner around 7:30

and then around 8 we went to go say goodbye to our neighbors moving away to D.C. tomorrow and we wouldn't be here tomorrow

i got home around 8:30 ish

and i worked on some things in my bullet journal cause i haven't done anything with it

like this tells you how long it's been, my last thing i wrote in there was may 23


anywho i'm off to bed now since i've got to get up at 6 for highschool soccer tournament tomorrow

not excited


favorite genre of music? (ex. pop, country, dubstep....)

probably pop and dubstep

signing off-

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