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hello everyone!!~

i'm hella tired again

i had so much homework like why

anywho today-

first period we did a presentation, went over homework and started new homework (history)

second period i finished up my final copy and made sure kat didn't kill herself with a extoknife (art)

third period i listened to some music and procrastinated some work (study hall)

fourth period we did a worksheet and took some notes (math)

fifth period was normal ish, oh wait nvm i held a little sex ed class for christy because apparently she doesn't know much (lunch)

sixth period we did more notes and did some review (language arts)

seventh period we did our project that's due on monday (science)

so basically since i got home i've been doing homework

i'll put a random photo here because it's short

i'll put a random photo here because it's short

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heckles yeah

favorite sweatshirt you own?

either my SP one or track

signing off-

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