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hello everyone~!!

sorry i haven't updated in awhile i was away for about a week and then when i got back i couldn't find my ipod UNTIL TONIGHT

so yeet this might be long

anywho let's start off with the week i was gone

so i think it was june 1st

so we left midday and got to my grandparents

i had sausage while everyone else got steak for dinner

i just don't really like the taste of like idk how to say it like fancy meat

like i don't tend to like grilled chicken by itself, steak, fillets, or pork

i could low key be vegetarian but tacos are too good

anywho didn't do too much that day

july 2

got up and had breakfast i think

i'm not sure

actually i don't think i did cause we had lunch at like 11

i forgot where we went


they served me nachos in a bowl ???

it was weird but whatever

for the rest of the day i don't think we did much besides play card games and board games

dinner we had i think hot dogs


went to bed late ish

july 3

we went to cedar point with my cousins

it was pretty good, nothing we wrong for the most part

low key i felt like i always saw this one guy around the park

idk he was pretty cute but that's not important

it was pretty fun

uh had mcdonald's at like 11:30 pm cause we didn't have dinner

got home and went to bed

july 4

i think i actually had breakfast at a normal time

uh finished up a long card game

had lunch of egg rolls and chicken

i don't think i ate any chicken tbh

got to my actual home around 5

did laundry and packed for soccer camp

went to bed at a normal ish time

july 5

left for wooster ohio around 9 am

got there around 10:30

we made a self tour of the college

had lunch around 11:30 ish at a local pub

signed into the camp at 1

got into my dorm and put my stuff away into drawers

my roommate who was a player from my soccer team named marlie got there shortly after

our parents left and we waited around in the dorm until the afternoon session

it didn't last long since there was a severe storm, i think we had like 40
mins left of our 2 and a half hour session when it got cut off

had subway for dinner around 5

LIFE WITH YOU//2018Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang