
7 1 40

hello everyone~!!

uh this might take awhile to type since i'm in a gc with like 14 people and we are all chatting


god i need to stop talking to people in group chats at night when i try to update

i'm like gossiping with


okay so it's been maybe a half hour and shit has just gone fucking horrible

so basically they all got mad at this one girl so me being me i was dming her and trying to get her to come back

meanwhile someone in the gc is like "awh shannon left" and "i want shannon here" and "i'm waiting for you shannon"

like i don't mind if you miss me
but like jeez i'm just gone for a minute to get this other girl feeling better

and then they keep on like low key bullying her

so finally i'm like "bitch if any of you put down someone else i'm gone"

and then amelie is like "i'm gonna kms if i loose
more people "

i'm like wtf

and then olivia, aka amelie ex gf, is like bro when i broke up with her she shot herself

i'm like wtfdfffff I CANT DO THIS AGAIN

anyways if y'all know awhile back i had a very close friend harm herself and threaten to kill herself

but she's good now which she doesn't self harm anymore or at least she hasn't told me

anywyas  back on with the story

so then things go down the hole and i'm like everyone chill the fuck out

basically everyone freaked out for awhile

and then came back and everything was fine because i was like no one is drying and shit like that

now we are good for the most part

legit right now i'm trying to have a conversation with lu about piano songs and stuff on strings

and amelie is like "shannnnon i want attention "

i'm like girl i'm having a different conversation  with someone else at this moment leave me alone


i'm crginging and dying inside

she just said "shannon i'm

like girl wtf

so legit i said "yo here's a public service announcement, i'm not going to help anyone with their hormones and shit, i'm just trying to finish typing something"

and like i was not about to have this shit

and then she said something about it again like "that's the first time someone's denied me help"

i was like ... whatever so i continued my chat with lu

and then someone was like "shannon you got to help her"

i'm like go suck a dick i'm

hnng basically i cock blocked everyone

i'm just so done rn


quick recap of the day

had soccer

ate lunch

cleaned my room

joined gc

soccer practice

ate dinner

played some overwatch

did the garbage

took a shower

dealing with the gc currently

anyways i'm going to go before the night is over


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only if i hit resend

signing off-

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