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I came home and immediately stepped in the shower. I had 3 hours to get ready for my ‘date’ with Neil. I was so excited. I washed my hair and put on a little makeup.  I opened my closet and thought I’d be super casual and wear like converse and a pair of jeans with my white lace sleeveless top. I kept staring at the clock for 2 hours and then finally the doorbell rang. I ran down, trying not to drop anything on my way to the door. I straightened my top, took a breath and opened the door. It was Neil. He was wearing a long sleeved tight shirt and jeans and held a bouquet in his hand. He placed it in my hands and said “Hey gorgeous, you look nice, shall we head out?” I had butterflies in my tummy. Neil Giles. The handsome soccer captain, calling me gorgeous. Damn.

We got into his car and drove off. We got off at a little hot dog place. “They have the best hot dogs in the world, trust me, you’ll love it” Neil said. I just smiled and said “Cool”. I sucked at making conversation. Not my thing at all. He gave me a roll and we went and sat back in his car. Not so much of a ‘date’ but it was fun. He was amazing and we had so much to talk about. He went on and on about soccer. Not that I didn’t love soccer but 1 hour of listening to him talk about how Real Madrid won the Champions League was exhausting. All in all it was a fun night. We headed back home and he dropped me off at the porch. He got off and looked me in the eyes. “I had fun tonight” he said. “Yeah me too” I said without looking up at him. He was standing so close to me that I had shivers going up my spine when he picked up my chin with his hand and pecked my lips. I was thrilled and a little bit scared too. “Umm I’ll see you tomorrow?” he said. “Yeah, s-s-see you” I stammered as I could still taste his lips on my mine.

I liked him. A lot. Even with the soccer obsession. He was amazing and I’d never felt this way before. After a few months, Neil and I got really close. I told him about my past and everything. He knew about my parents and comforted me every time I needed it. About 2 hours before break he came up to me while I was putting my books into my locker. “Hey Riles! Can I call you that?” “Umm yeah sure” I giggled a little. He hugged me and said “You’re great and I think I... umm how do I say this… I kind of love you, I mean I love you!” I was terrified, I did like him, maybe even loved him. He was all I thought about and the only one I spoke to other than Nat.  I looked up at him shyly and said “How can I resist you? I love you too” I was blushing and had butterflies, “Then its official. You love me, I love you, what say girlfriend?” Did he just say what I thought he said? GIRLFRIEND?  HE LOVED ME? My heart was racing. I just stared into his eyes and yes he was what I wanted. I did love him and I had just become NEIL GILES’ Girlfriend. He took my hand and interlaced our fingers. He came closer and kissed me. He was perfect to me. All I needed. All I wanted was right there in front of me. We spent the whole day together talking about us, bitching about other students, and soccer of course.

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