9. Wrecked

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I locked my door and sat on the bed. I felt tears on my cheek. I saw the basket lying next to the door. Neil left it there. I went and opened it up. There was a teddy and a cake too. A note was stuck to the corner. "I'll love you forever Baby. Keep smiling." I was beaming. I sent him a message. "Sorry for today baby. I love you. But umm why were you in my dad's room anyways?" I got a reply back in less than 5 seconds. "It's alright baby. I was looking for the bathroom. I got lost and went into your dad's room. Sorry...But please be there tomorrow night for my match, I need you." Shit. I completely forgot about the match. Dad wasn't going to let me go. Crap. Crap. Crap. I messaged him back. "I'm grounded baby. Sorry I can't come. You know how much I'd love to see you play and support you. So Sorry babe. I'll call you before the match. I love you."

I went to sleep. I Dreamt about Neil and me cuddling under the stars. I was in his arms. My dream was interrupted by my Mom who pulled my blanket away to wake me up. "Morning, Riley or should I say evening! You've been asleep for over 12 hours. Natalie has called a million times. Speak to her once. See what she has to say." Mom had a point though. I had lunch at 5 and went to my room. I called Neil. "Hi baby, best of luck for your match. I'll be right here. Call me once it's over. I love you so much. Sorry I couldn't come." "Its fine baby, I'll call you okay? I have to go now. Bye." He hung up.

His match had started. I really wanted him to win. Basically I wanted him to be happy. My phone rang after another hour. I jumped at it thinking it was half time and Neil wanted to tell me the score but it was Natalie. I had to pick up this time. "Hi" I said. "Oh finally, you picked up. Thank god." "What is it Natalie?" I said firmly. "What the hell did Neil tell you that you can't even speak to me?" "I told him that you told me he kissed you and he said he went straight for football that day." I said. "Wait, what? Riley... did you tell him that I told you he kissed me that day in the park?" "Umm no I didn't." I said feeling confused. "Then how does he know which day I was talking about? How did he tell you that he went straight for football practice?" Natalie yelled. OH MY GOD. She was right. How would he know?

I started sobbing. My knees became weak and I fell on the floor crying. I had to make sure though. I picked up the phone. "Natalie, will you pick me up right now? Come to my window though, I'm grounded." I quickly got ready and wiped my tears. Neil loved me. He couldn't lie to me. I know he couldn't. But I had to make sure. I closed my door. Put some pillows on my bed and covered them with my blanket so it would look like me and then climbed out of my window.

Natalie was waiting in her car. I got in and hugged her. We drove to school and everyone was celebrating! They had won. I checked my phone. Neil hadn't called to tell me. I ran in and one of the boys told me everyone had gone to Jason's house for the celebration party. Jason was Neil's friend. We drove to his house and got in. Neil was nowhere to be seen. I asked few of his friends but none of them seemed to know where he was.

There was a boy that came up to me. He was cute. In fact extremely cute. He was tall and his hair was all messed up. He smiled at me and said "Are you looking for someone?" I smiled back and replied. "Yes actually, I'm looking for Neil. Have you seen him?" "Yeah, he went back there." He pointed at a room next to the kitchen. "Thank you" I replied and walked to the room. I pushed open the door and my jaw fell. I was stunned. I stood there and couldn't speak. Tears rolled out of my eyes. My vision was blurry.

It was Neil, shirtless, kissing Bridget. She was naked under the covers and Neil was on top of her. "I-I-I can't believe this Neil. How could you? I loved you so much? You said you loved me too? What happened to that? Is it because I didn't allow you to touch me? What did I do wrong Neil? Why are you with her? Did you even love me Neil?" My hands were shaking and my voice was cracking.

He got off of Bridget and looked at me; he was shocked to see me there. "Baby no, I'm sorry..." "Cut the crap bro" I heard a voice from the back. "I heard you tell Bridget that you loved her and you were going to leave Riley and that you were with her just to help your dad get information about her dad's company. That's why I pointed her to the room. You deserve this. Learn to treat your girl right."

The same voice asked me to go with him. I couldn't speak. I just left with him and sat in an unfamiliar car. "Hi, I'm Cameron. I'm really sorry about you and Neil. I'm new here." I didn't say a word. He drove me home and I climbed up my window again.

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