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3 years later.

"Where are we going Nat?" I asked her as I was blind folded. "Will you shut up? You've asked me this question thrice in the last five minutes.",said Natalie, sounding extremely frustrated and I was as clueless as I could be.

"I'm sorry" I said and chuckled. We were in a car, that was all I knew. I was made to wear a dress, which Nat helped me with because I was blindfolded. She did my hair and makeup too. I didn't really like makeup so I asked her to keep it light.

"So how's little Joey?" I asked. Joey was Nat's three year old son, short for Jonathan. She didn't want to keep a nickname as cliche as John so she called him Joey. He was absolutely adorable and how he loved chocolate!

"He's good, he misses his aunt, come visit soon Ri, you've become way too busy." She replied. "I know, I miss you guys too,everything's been so hectic and with Jake out of town it's just..." I said and sighed.

The car suddenly stopped and we got off. Natalie lead me somewhere screaming directions in the air. I had no idea what was going on. "Left, now right! No No right not left!" I heard her yell at me. She opened what sounded like a door and asked me to get in.

Someone took off the black cloth from over my eyes and I slowly opened them. I was standing in a large garden with a few faces staring at me. I looked down at my dress and I was wearing a white flowing dress that had a low neck. It was sleeveless and hugged my body.

I looked back at the people and saw a familiar face looking at me and smiling. His brown soft hair complimented the suit he was wearing. Suit. A man in a suit was one of my biggest weaknesses.

He brought out a guitar and grinned at me.
"Jake" I whispered.

"This one's for someone special" he said.

"Well, let me tell you a story, about a girl and a boy." He sang. He walked towards me and continued. "He fell in love with his best friend, when she's around he feels nothing but joy. But she was already broken, and it made her blind, but she could never believe that love would ever treat her right."

His voice, heavenly as always soothed me. "Did you know that I loved you?" He sang and looked up at me.

"Or were you not aware, you're the smile on my face, and I ain't going nowhere. I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile and I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while!" He sang hitting those notes perfectly.

"What's going to make you fall, in love? I know you got your wall wrapped all the way inside your heart, don't have to be scared at all, oh my love... But you can't fly unless you let your, you can't fly unless you let yourself fall."

He came closer to me and gave his guitar to Natalie. I had tears in my eyes. I was smiling so much that my cheeks were beginning to hurt.

He kneeled down and brought out a ring. "I will catch you if you fall, but if you spread your wings you can fly away with me, but you can't fly unless you let yourself fall" he sang and completed the song.

I held my palms in front of my mouth. I held back my tears and tried keeping myself in one place.

"Riley Alvinston, I have loved you since the moment I laid my eyes on you but I know you don't like the cliche words so I'm just going to go ahead and do it." He said and laughed.

"Will you make me the happiest man in the world and spend the rest of your life with me?" He asked.

"Yes, I will" I said and pounced on him. My arms clutching him as tight as possible. He made me so happy. I was in a state of shock and utter happiness.

Joey came up to us and separated Jake and I. "It's time for the wedding" he said in his sweet baby voice.

I laughed and kissed Joey's cheek while Jake went forward and stood under a tree decorated with flowers. Joey lead the way and dropped flowers till he reached where Jake was standing.

Cameron walked me down the aisle and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and took my place beside Jake. Natalie was the priest. She was ordained on the internet and Joey was our little flower boy!

"I've known these two for over four years and they've been there for each other through thick and thin. They've been through way too much and they've come out of it stronger. I love them both to bits and wish they get their happily ever after."

She said a few words necessary for us to get married and then asked for the rings and our vows. This was all a surprise so I hadn't planned any vows as such.

I started with my vows first. "Jake Parker, you have loved me and taught me to love myself. You've been by my side when I myself thought everything was over."
I stopped and took a breath.

"I love you in insane amounts and I want you to remember that wherever we go and whatever happens in the future, I will always be there for you." I said and smiled. My hands were trembling. I slipped the ring into his finger and everyone started clapping.

"Oh and how did you know I was going to say yes? You made me wear a white gown, how did.." I asked and laughed.

He started his vows by saying, "Honestly Ri, you know you can't resist me" he said and smirked. It was true, I couldn't resist him. I wanted him in my arms all the time. Love felt like an understatement. Our bond was stronger.

"Nothing mainstream. All I want to say is that even when you're old and weary and you need someone to bathe you and help you with everything, I will step forward and do it." I laughed at his hilarious vows.

"Oh and I almost forgot to mention, you look beautiful" I smiled and he slipped the diamond ring on my finger.

"You may now kiss the bride" said Natalie. Jake dipped his head forward and held my face. I looked into his eyes and there, my best friend, my love, and my saviour, all in one. I kissed his lips and allowed his tongue to enter by parting my lips. He tasted like mint candy. It was probably our most passionate kiss.

We pulled away, I touched my forehead to his and just stared into his eyes. The eyes that showed me exactly where mine belonged.
That was my story. The story that I shared with Jake Parker, the only person that I wanted to share it with. We had no happily ever after because those endings only matter in fairy tales.

Ours wasn't a fairy tale love story. It was our special story, with the ups and downs but as long as we were together we were sure we could manage everything that came our way.



Breathless is finally over. I've had an absolute blast writing this story and your love and support keeps me going. I love you all so much and I want to thank you for every single read, vote and comment you guys have showered on me.

I hope there are many more stories to come. I am planning to write some fan fiction stories soon. Breathless was the first and honestly I didn't think it was the best of what I can write. I want to grow as a writer and hopefully that will show in my next few stories.

I want to remind all of you reading that I love every one of y'all even if I might not personally know y'all.

Also, you don't need a boy to show you how worthy you are. You are beautiful and you are special in your own way. These words might seem cliche to y'all but the earlier y'all realise how amazing y'all are, the better!

Thank you again!


1) Who was your favourite character?

2) Which was your favourite chapter?


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