26. Too Much

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He came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. My mouth fell open. It wasn't supposed to but it was hard to control myself while he was standing right in front of me with his perfect body and wet messed up hair. He grinned at me. Gosh that grin.

I blushed a little and said,"Hi" he looked into his bag and replied back,"So wanna order something to eat or let's just jump to the movie?" He slipped a blue V-neck T-shirt over his head and slipped into his tracks while I wasn't looking.

"Let's watch the movie!" I said trying to avoid eating anything. "Alright" he said and jumped onto the bed. He laid down and pulled me closer to him. We laid down beside each other and watched,"Rush Hour 3". It was hilarious. Apparently Jake really liked Jackie Chan!

His legs kept touching mine. I didn't know if he was doing it intentionally but I had to keep my distance. I had promised myself that I wasn't going to get into any commitments. Not now. I shifted my legs so that they wouldn't touch his.

Suddenly he got up and paused the movie. I sat up on the bed and looked at him."What happened?" I asked him. "Are you uncomfortable?" He asked. "Nope" I answered. "Okay." He said looking down. He knew what was going through my mind. I didn't want anything serious or even minor.

We finished the movie and completely forgot about food. It was pretty late and I was really tired so Jake asked me to sleep in his room itself. "I'll sleep on the floor." He said. "No that's not necessary, the bed is big enough for us." I replied. "Are you sure?" He asked me while raising his eyebrows. "Yeah" I said.

We got under the sheets and Jake shut the lights. I looked at the ceiling for about an hour and just laid there. I woke up the next morning with two strong arms wrapped around me. I turned over and Jake was sleeping like a baby. He let out a groan and woke up. He let me out of his hold and rubbed his eyes.

"You are beautiful" he said staring into my eyes. "Stop it Jake" I answered as I figured he was lying. "What? I'm serious." He said without grinning. He looked serious. "I'm not beautiful" I replied. "You are, you just don't know it yet." He said while grinning. That grin was going to be the death of me.

I smiled at him and removed the hair from my face. "Can I get a good morning kiss?" He asked and put forward his cheek. "Yes sure" I said and laughed. I went forward to kiss his cheek when he turned and placed his lips on mine. He cupped my face in his hands and allowed his tongue to do the work. I shut my eyes and felt lost. He deepened our kiss and then pulled away. He stared into my eyes as I did into his. His eyes were shining and they comforted me.

Everything came back to me in the span of five seconds. Neil, my family, my cuts, everything. I had promised myself that I wouldn't do this. I got up and turned my back towards Jake. I heard Jake get up from the bed. "I'm sorry Riley" he said. "I'll see you later Jake" I said and left the room without saying another word.

I walked back to my room and could still feel the taste of his lips. In a way the kiss felt soothing but I wasn't ready for this. Not this soon. I had to keep my guards up.

I opened my door and locked it from the inside. I walked straight into the bathroom, slipped out of my clothes and jumped into the tub. The water flowed onto my body and cleansed me. I shut my eyes and laid there for a while. My face was now submerged in the water as it was rising but I didn't care. I got out after a while feeling much better.

I had so much going on in my mind. I was a mess. I had too much to deal with. I was supposed to be on a break and yet my mind kept going back to the things I wasn't supposed to think about. On top of all that I had to deal with Jake too.

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