39. Thank you

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I wheeled myself to the door to open it as the doorbell rang. I fixed my hair, smiled and opened the door.

Jake Parker. Looking flawless as usual, wearing a sweatshirt and jeans and his absolutely magnificent grin. I welcomed him in and he walked to our hall. Natalie and Cameron were planning to go out while Jake and I were planning to just order some food and chill at home.

Nat and Cam had already left before Jake arrived. He sat on the couch and I knew I had some explaining to do. I narrated the whole story to him. My father. My wounds. My legs. Everything.

He smiled at me after I finished. We didn't speak about it after that. I realised that he didn't want to keep bringing it up and hurting me.

We ordered pizza and we ate a little. I had a slice and that was dinner. Jake didn't realise as he gobbled up a few slices with coke. We washed up and were back on the couch.

After a while he stood up and took my hand. He asked me to stand. "I can't stand" I replied. "Just try, don't be stubborn. Give me your hand. I'm holding you." He said.

I thought about it for a moment. Eh what's the harm? I stood up and held his hand. My legs were trying hard to hold my weight. "I can't..I can't.." I said as I fell back onto the chair.

"Try again" he said. What was he trying to do. It had been over a month. I wasn't going to walk again. At least that was my mentality.

I looked up at him and he signalled me to stand up once more. I did, I tried harder this time, clutching onto his arms with my nails piercing his skin. He didn't say a word though.

I finally got into position and left his arms for a second. I could stand. I was being able to stand without much trouble. I had a huge smile on my face. I looked at Jake and danced around in the same position before I collapsed.

My face falling right onto Jake's hard chest. He wrapped his arms and whispered into my ears. "I told you, you could do it. Now try walking."

"Okay" I whispered back and turned around to prepare myself for the huge challenge laid in front of me. I wasn't very confident but I had Jake by my side.

I took a step and then another. I held a lamp and took another step. I grabbed onto the curtains and took a bigger step. I was doing just fine. Jake walked beside me to make sure I don't fall.

"I CAN WALK! IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING?!" I shouted excitedly. "Yes Riley yes!" Jake said as he smiled at me.

"It's all because of.." I started to say when Jake cut me off. "No this is all you. I'm..just the support."

"Thank you" I said and wrapped my arms around him. I could walk. This was happiness.

Obviously I couldn't run miles or even jog but I was sure that I could in a few weeks and it was all because of Jake even though he denied it.


Thank you for reading! I hope you liked this chapter, I love you! Xoxo

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