28. His Flesh & Blood

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I had spent the last two days just laying on the bed in the hotel. My mind was all over the place. Jake hadn't called yet. I was getting a bit impatient. Neil kept popping in too. I missed my mom a lot. Co-incidentally my dad called that evening.

"Where are you? I've been so worried." He said. Worried, I giggled. He hadn't called me since I'd left. "That doesn't concern you, why have you called?" I replied sheepishly. "Your mother is sick. She keeps crying and wants no one but you by her side. I know you hate me but come back for her Riley."

I had started feeling guilty. Mom was unwell. Because of me. I had to go back. Yes I was fed up of living with them but this time it was necessary.

I hung up and finally got out of bed. I quickly washed my face, wore a pair of jeans and the silver top I had bought, the one time Nat and I had gone shopping and got out some money. I packed my stuff and scanned the room for anything I had missed. As usual I took all the bathroom supplies the hotel had given. It was complementary. Don't deny it, you do it too.

I threw my bag across my shoulder and my guitar case on my back and walked out of my room. The sun was shining brightly. I quickly checked out and dumped my stuff into the car. I had to get home as soon as possible.

It was back to 11 hours of driving.

There were kids walking by the sides. They were adorable. I waved out to one of them and the whole group waved back to me. Some of them smiled. Some made funny faces, I returned the gesture. Their smiles filled me with contentment.

I hadn't eaten anything for the longest time. Water was all I was surviving on. It was evident though because my face looked smaller and my hip bones could be seen.

I stopped at the same motel I had on my way to Miami. This was probably the best trip I had had. It was Paradise with Jake. For the first time in 17 years I had felt alive.

I needed to call Nat but my phone had extremely low battery. I left her a message saying,"Back In Town".

The roads were great, a mixture of smooth and bumpy. I loved the journey. I wasn't very happy going back home but mom needed me.

I drove past a few houses and finally saw the familiar ones. I had entered Raleigh. It was back to reality from now. I parked the car a few blocks away from my house. I left my bags in the car and got off. I rang the doorbell and waited.

No one answered the door. Just when I was turning back, Dad opened the door with a knife in his hand. I jumped up and screamed. He put a finger on his lips and whispered,"I'm making soup for your mother. Come one in, just cutting the veggies dear." He said and smiled. I ignored him and walked in. I could smell the welcoming fragrance my house had.

I sat on our couch and waited for my mom like an outsider. I asked dad,"Where is mom?" "She'll be out In a minute." He replied from the kitchen. I was getting a bit suspicious. I got up and walked up to my parents room. It was empty. I checked the bathroom too. No one.

I walked back down and saw my dad sitting on the couch. I walked to him and asked him once more,"Where is mom?" "SHE'S GONE, BECAUSE OF YOU! SHE LEFT ME!" He yelled. I stared at him in shock.

I realised I was all alone at home with my dad. I started walking towards the door. He had lied to me about mom. He obviously didn't have good intentions. He stopped me and held my arms. He threw me onto the floor and stepped on my stomach.

"YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!" He yelled. He was hurting me. I could feel the pain across my back. He picked me up and dragged me across the hall by my hair. I cringed and flapped my arms around trying to get out of his hold. He was fuming with anger. I yelled back saying,"DON'T BLAME ME CAUSE YOU'RE A JERK! THIS IS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! YOU TREATED MOM LIKE DIRT, AND SHE STILL LOVED YOU, YOU RUINED YOUR OWN RELATIONSHIP WITH HER! NOW LET ME GO!"

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU" he yelled back. He was my father, but he hated me. I had had enough of this. I pushed his chest and got out of his hold. I went to pick up the vase next to the staircase when he held me by my waist and threw me back on the floor. He ran to the kitchen and got a knife. "I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU ANYMORE!" I yelled. He had an evil smile on his face.

My whole body was aching and the pain was unbearable. He picked me up by my hair. I could barely stand.

He brought the knife near me and pressed it against my stomach. I could feel the cold metal against my skin.

He went in deeper. It pricked my skin and I could feel the pain across my stomach. I opened my eyes and faced him. I spat on his face and he stepped back. I kicked the knife out of his hand and reached for my phone. 3% battery. Argh. I called Nat and waited for her to pick up. She didn't. I had no luck today.

I turned back to my dad and saw him

wipe his face and pick up a vase. I felt a sharp blow on the left side of my head. I rested my hand on my wound. There was blood spread all over my palm. I felt dizzy and could see spots of black in front of my eyes. I heard a faint sound and everything in front of my eyes turned pitch black.

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