25. Alive

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I was driving super fast and Jake kept turning behind to see if anyone was after us. There were a few people coming out of some stores to see what the chaos was about. After a while, we settled down and I dropped the speed.

I looked at him. He looked at me. We were both staring into each other's eyes. I started laughing. He did too. I held my tummy and imitated myself back in the store. He laughed and asked me,"How's our baby, wifey?", I giggled and said, "Somewhere on the floor of that supermarket!" We couldn't stop laughing.

I felt alive. I felt wild. I looked at him and said,"What did you get?" He put his hands in his pockets and brought out about 7-8 bars of mint chocolate. He had a dozen candies and 2-3 wafer packets. "So Riles! What would you like to feast on first?" He asked.

"Don't call me Riles" I said angrily. "Why not?" He asked looking concerned. Tears escaped my eyes as I thought about Neil for the millionth time that day. "It's alright, you don't have to tell me. I won't call you Riles." He said wiping my tears.

His soft hands brushed my tears off my face. He held my face in his hands and said,"I'm here for you" and smiled. That smile was so comforting. I held his hand and said,"Thank you" I continued driving. "So any girlfriends? Crazy exs?" I asked him. "Yes there was one, she was not my type"

"She asked me to marry her! We were 14!" He was laughing and so was I. "How did you get rid of her?" I asked while trying to control my laughter. "I really liked her but she kept cheating on me and asking other guys to marry her, she basically wanted to get married." He said and shrugged. I was just staring at him with a stunned expression on my face.

"It's alright, my only girlfriend was a little weird." He said while giggling. I let out some giggles as well. "What about you Any boyfriends?" I swallowed and looked at him. I couldn't lie to him. "There was one. You know the same old cliche story. Girl loves boy, boy claims he loves girl, boy cheats on her, girl is broken" he looked at me and gave me a comforting smile.

"It's alright, if there's one thing I learned from my girlfriend it was that all the broken pieces can always be put back together." He said and hugged me. His touch felt amazing, almost like he was trying to fix my broken pieces. He pulled away and I continued driving. "He called you Riles, Didn't he?" He looked at me and said. "Yes he did." "I see" he said.

I pulled over at the hotel. We got off and headed in. "Beach?" He asked me. "Sure! I'll meet you in 10" I said smiling. I opened my room and stepped in. It was clear! Probably cleaned by housekeeping after we had left. I looked through my bag and found two costumes.

One was a white bikini which had a gold border. It looked pretty classy but that would show my stomach. The other one was drab. It was blue and hid my thighs as well as my arms. I couldn't wear that in front of Jake. I didn't fancy Jake, I was still trying to get over Neil but I couldn't wear boring swimwear in front of him.

I slipped into my white bikini and stood in front of the mirror. Hmm. It didn't look all that bad. My stomach was flatter than I had thought. The result of less food. And my arms and thighs looked okay. It definitely looked better than the blue one-piece suit.

I wore a short loose dress over it, picked up some sunscreen and got out. I stepped onto the beach and sat on one of the beds. I applied sunscreen to my arms, legs and my face. I kept the bottle down and looked up and there he was. Shirtless, wearing nothing but his trunks. His hair was wet and he was walking out of the water. He ran his hand through his hair and walked towards me. His abs, that I could see clearly, were glistening in the sun. That body deserved a spotlight.

He came and sat next to me. I couldn't get my eyes off him. I didn't want to seem attracted to him so I just looked up at the sky and said the first thing that came into my mind."The weather is pretty great, eh?" Ugh what was wrong with me! Out of everything I picked weather to start a conversation with. "Yeah, it's great" he said looking confused.

"The water is warm but feels really good! Let's get in?" He asked. "Yeah sure" I replied. I was feeling so conscious about my costume. I stood up and turned my back towards him and took off my dress. I just hoped he wasn't paying attention. I turned back and I was facing him. I had chills going down my spine.

"Damn" I heard him whisper. I smiled and took his hand. We ran towards the water and jumped in. It was warm yet soothing. I splashed some water on him and he did the same. We kept giggling and continued splashing. We also swam for a bit.

"Have you ever made a sandcastle?" I asked him. I loved making them but my parents refused to take me to any beaches so I had made very few. "Nope, but I would love to" he said. We got out of the water and were dry in a couple of minutes, the sun did it's work.

We dug a huge hole in the sand for starters. I went to get some wet sand and by the time I was back he was gone. I couldn't see Jake anywhere. I scanned the whole beach and he was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly a face popped up from the sand pit we dug. It was Jake! I jumped up. I was terrified at first but calmed down a bit after he had started laughing.

"You should have seen your face! That was priceless." He said while laughing. I crossed my arms and just stood there looking at him. "Jump in" he said. "Let's scare more people" I loved the idea and immediately jumped in. The pit wasn't all that big so we were sticking to each other. His skin felt soft against mine.

"Okay there's someone coming." We ducked and waited for them to come closer. As we saw their feet we jumped up and screamed. It was an old man. He almost fell down but Jake held his hand. I was laughing and Jake was apologising to him. He looked at us and said,"You kids these days! I could have died!" I let out a few giggles and then straightened up and said,"We're sorry sir!"

He gave us a dirty look and walked away. As soon as he did, Jake looked at me and started laughing. I laughed along. This was fun. We scared a few others too. Their reactions were hilarious. Few ran, few laughed along, few screamed at us and few even tried slapping Jake.

We made a little sand chair inside the pit and sat on it. He placed his arm on my shoulder and we watched the sunset together. It was gorgeous. As soon as the sun had set, we got out and walked towards out rooms.

"Let's order room service tonight?" He asked. "Yes! We could watch a movie!" I said. "My room? 8:30?" He asked. I nodded. I entered my room and quickly got into the shower. There was sand everywhere. I drained the water once I had gotten all the sand out and had a nice long hair bath.

I got out and slipped into my shorts and a tank top. My hair was wet so I left it open. I looked at my watch and It was already 8:26. I grabbed my phone and my keycard and got out. I locked my room door and walked towards his room. I knocked on the door and heard him say,"Come in,it's open."

I turned the knob and walked in. The room was a mess. His clothes were everywhere. I found a place on the bed where there were no clothes and sat there. He was in the bathroom. I looked around his room and saw a number of DVDs near the Television.
I picked them up and flipped through them.
I heard the bathroom knob turning and turned myself.

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