13. Maybe

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We drove to Unicorn Palace. That’s what Nat called it. It was our spot. Nat had a weird obsession with Unicorns and this place had unicorn statues around it. Yes. She was retarded. She continued to talk about Cam. See that was our problem. Us girls, we tend to fall, and fall hard. After knowing Cam for so long I knew he was perfect for Nat. They even got along which was hard as Nat fought with every guy. It was funny; some of her videos were on up YouTube too. “Riley, tell me the truth, okay?”She said. “Alright” I replied awaiting her question.

 “Do you think Cam likes me?” She said with hope in her eyes. “To tell you the truth Nat, I have no idea. I haven’t noticed anything yet but if there is anything, I’ll tell you. Why don’t you ask him out? Maybe he likes you too” I said. “ MAYBE? ASK HIM OUT? ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT IF I COME OFF AS DESPERATE? OR IT SPOILS OUR FRIENDSHIP? OR HE HATES ME? I CAN’T ASK HIM OUT! AND ANYWAYS AREN’T GUYS SUPPOSED TO DO THAT?” Oh yeah, she was done. She had fallen for him. I giggled a bit and whispered to her. “YOU’RE CUTE AND IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO HATE YOU.”

“Alright, alright, don’t want you to turn lesbian!” She said raising her eyebrows. I looked at her and laughed. “Hey Riley, how are you doing? We haven't spoken about the Neil thing since it happened.” She said softly as if trying not to hurt me too much. “I’m better than I was I guess. I just want you to know I’m really sorry Nat. You were right from the very start.” I moved my hair out of my face and looked up at her. “Its fine, I’d say I told you so but all that matters now is that you and he are done for good.” She smiled and hugged me. It was nice to spend time with her again. I had missed this.

My phone was ringing. It was mom. I answered and said. “Hey mom” “Sweetie could you do me a small favor? I need you to get me some stuff from the market. I’ll meet you there to pick you up once your done buying everything. I’ll send you the list. Bye…Thanks.” She hung up before I could say a word. “Ugh, Nat could we do this another time? Meet me at my place tomorrow or something? I got to go get some stuff for mom, drop me to the market please.”


She dropped me off at the market and I quickly went and bought all the stuff. Most of it was unnecessary crap. I needed new blades; the old ones were getting rusted. I picked up a few and went to the counter. The woman saw the blades and looked at me. I just turned my face and got out my wallet. I paid her and walked out, hiding my face. I threw the blades into my pocket and called mom. “I’m done mom, come pick me up.” I stood there for a while and finally saw my mom driving up to me. I got into the car and threw the bags onto the backseat. My mom pointed at a car in front of us. It was a red Ferrari; looked absolutely gorgeous. I could see my mom was glowing. We weren’t rich so we couldn’t afford cars like that. The car went past us and there he was. It was Neil, sitting beside his father. I was seeing him after such a long time. I could feel all my old feelings coming back. He turned and saw me. Crap! Why did he have to see me? “Mom can you please drive for god’s sake?” I yelled at her.

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