30. ICU

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Just when my eyes were shutting, I heard a knock on the front door. "Riley" "Riley it's me, open the door" I heard a voice say. I couldn't make out whether it was a female or a male. For some reason I wanted it to be Jake. I wanted him to save me even though I didn't have feelings for him.

Suddenly someone kicked open the door. A light was in my face. I blinked at the figure standing in front of me begging him/her to switch of the light. The figure walked towards me. I, still hoping it was Jake, got up and reached out to the figure. It grabbed me and hugged me tight.

"Riley, oh my god, what happened? I got your message and rushed to meet you." I heard Natalie's concerned voice say. Not Jake. I was sort of disappointed but so happy that someone had come. I looked at her familiar face and cried on her chest.
"Nat Natalie thank god you came. My..my dad...he" I burst out crying.

She helped me up and we climbed to the hall. Dad was going to be back anytime. I had an immense pain in my right leg. I could barely walk and every time I lifted it, the bruise started to throb. Nat helped me to her car, and took me straight to her home. My eyes were shutting and blood was running down my right thigh. I looked down and saw a deep cut. I widened my eyes staring at the wound.

In the chaos and the fight with my Dad, he had cut my thigh. I hadn't even realised as I was feeling dizzy and my back was killing me. Nat lifted me from the seat. Her hands were covered with my blood. She ran to her door and rang the doorbell. Her mother opened the door and Nat pointed at me.

Both of them ran towards me and I could see the astonishment in Nat's mother's eyes. She lifted me up and brought me inside. They laid me on the floor and her mother ran to the kitchen. She brought me some water and sprinkled some on my face.

My hearing was getting worse. I could barely hear Natalie narrating the story of how she found me ,to her mother. Nat's father lifted me up in his arms and I could hear an ambulance. All this while he had been trying to call one. They laid me on the stretcher and shut the ambulance door. Nat sat beside me and held my hand. She kept squeezing it repeatedly and whispered prayers.

Soon we got to the hospital and they took me in. I was a little confused about what was happening because my vision was blurry. Probably due to the loss of blood. I didn't really know how the body worked. They took me to the ICU. Nat finally left my hand but whispered "I won't let anything happen to you". That was the last thing I remembered hearing. Seconds later everything went black.

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