24. Wild!

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I woke up to the sun's rays in my face. I slightly opened my eyes and saw a boy drawing the curtains which allowed the sun's rays to enter. I groaned and said in my tired voice, "Who is it?"

"It's me Riley, you overslept! We were supposed to have breakfast together remember? It's already 11 am and you showed no signs of waking up so I thought I'd bring breakfast to you!" he placed a small table on the bed, on top of which there was a huge plate filled with food.

There were pancakes, boiled eggs, some baked beans and bacon. I sat up on my bed and looked at all the food. I felt like puking. I couldn't eat all of that. I couldn't eat any of that.

"Wow, Jake, this is really thoughtful of you but I don't have breakfast and that's too much food." I said looking up at him. "Who asked you to eat it all? I'm going to have some too!" he said grinning. He plonked himself onto the bed. He was wearing beach shorts and a white V- neck T shirt.
His hair was messed up as usual and he had that killer grin on.

There was a mirror right in front me. I looked at myself and sighed. I looked like a mess. My eyes were puffed, my hair was all over the place and I was pretty sure I needed to brush. He had already seen me which I couldn't help but yet I got out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, tied my hair up into a neat ponytail and walked back out.

"What time did you wake up?" I asked him while looking for my clothes in my bag. "Just a few minutes back. I freshened up and hopped here to check if you were up." He said while stuffing bacon into his mouth. "How do you manage to look that good just after you've woken up?" I asked. "Well, now who's flirting?" he said while smirking.

I laughed and grabbed my clothes. "I'll meet you in the lobby in 10?" I said. "Or I could stay here and wait for you." he said while scanning me. "JAKE!" I said playfully. "GO!" I said and laughed. He grinned and headed out.

I got into the bathroom and slipped out of my clothes. The water was warm but yet I could feel my cuts stinging. I quickly applied soap and washed myself clean. I got out, wiped myself and slipped into a pair of denim shorts and a sleeveless pink top which had some sequins on it.

I grabbed my money and my phone, locked the door and headed to the lobby, and there he was talking to the pretty lady behind the reception counter. He must have my heard my footsteps because he turned and looked at me.

"You look pretty" he said grinning. Ugh his grin. "Thanks" I said and smiled. "Let's go?" I asked him. "Yes let's!" He said and walked out. We got into my car and I cranked up the radio.
Some old country song was playing. Boring.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "No idea, let's just drive and stop wherever?" He said excitedly. "That sounds great." I said and started driving. The sun was glistering and the wind was in out faces. My hair was all over the place but yet didn't look all that bad. He on the other hand looked flawless. His eyes were shining and his hair was messed up which made him look exceptionally cute.

Even with the most gorgeous boy sitting beside me I kept thinking about Neil. It was time I got him out of my system, but...I was in love with him....am in love with him.

Jake brought me back to reality when he asked,"Have you ever done anything wild?" "Depends" I said. He smirked and asked me to stop next to a supermarket. We got off and stepped in. "Do as I say, alright?" I nodded.

He brought me a ball and asked me to stuff it up my top. I did what he asked me to and waited for further instructions. He came closer and whispered into my ears. "Scream, hold your stomach and fall on the floor when I signal you." I nodded again and waited for his signal.

He looked at me and winked. That was my cue. I started screaming loudly, all eyes were on me. I clutched my stomach and fell on the floor. I kept screaming and pretending I was in deep pain. Jake ran up to me and held my head. The shopkeeper and all the customers ran to see what the commotion was about.

They sat by my side and few of them asked me to breathe. I saw Jake get up and go behind to the chocolate counter. He picked up some bars and stuffed them inside his pockets. He then headed to the counters further inside. I couldn't see what he was doing then but I continued to play my part. A woman even gave me her sons' water to drink.

Jake came back a few minutes later and said to me,"We can't have our baby in a supermarket! Someone call an ambulance!" The shopkeeper and the customers all got out their phones. Jake winked at me and helped me up. He whispered,"When I say 3, throw the ball and run." I giggled a little. He looked at me and said," 1...2...3"

I slid the ball from below my top and threw it on the floor . I ran and jumped into the car. Soon after me, Jake ran, I could hear the detector beeping but he continued running. He jumped into the car and I drove as fast as I could.

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