20. Paradise!

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I immediately called Nat. "Hey Riley, sorry for yesterday night! How are you feeling now?" She said. "I'm fine, could you do me a small favour?" I replied. "Yes sure, what's up?"
"I need a car! You told me your aunt had a car that no one was using right? Could I borrow it for a week or two?" I said.

"Umm yeah sure, come pick it up whenever, it's in my garage itself! You can keep it for however long you want, no one uses it anyway. It's a little dusty though. No ones used it since Aunt Lizzie shifted to Australia."

"Alright, I'll be there in 5." I started walking towards Nat's place. She was standing out on her porch waiting for me. As usual, she was glowing. "Hey Riley!" She screamed and waved to me. I waved back. I was in no mind to scream. The episode at home was enough. I kept my head down and walked up to her. She pointed to her garage and we pulled up the metal railing together. She noticed something was wrong.

"Riley, are you alright? And why exactly do you need a car?" "I'm taking a break for a while Nat. I'll call you whenever I can alright? Can I have the keys?" I said and put forward my hand. "Yeah, drive safe and don't forget to call me. I love you" she hugged me and handed me the key. The car was really old and completely covered with dust.

I drove it to the nearest Car wash and got it washed. After an hour of hard work, it looked as good as new. I jumped onto the seat and stuck the key in. I switched on the radio and started driving. I had no idea where I was going. I just knew I wasn't going back home. It was time to get away from this dreaded town and it's people.

I stopped at a Mac Donald's outlet and looked up places by the sea. Miami. Of course! I've been wanting to go there since I was a little kid. It was an 11 hour drive, but I knew I could manage. Luckily my grandmother had left me quite a lot of money in her will. I had hidden it in a small box which I had buried near my old house at Milwaukee but It would take me another 13 hours to get there and then 21 hours from Milwaukee to Miami. No ways.

I quickly called my neighbour in Milwaukee and asked him if he could dig it up and send it to Miami somehow. I trusted him. Luckily he had a lot of work in Miami, some fishery business ,so he was leaving for Miami that very day. He promised to get the box with him and meet me at a restaurant.

I then prepared myself for 11 hours of driving and got on with it. The windows were down and the wind was on my face. I felt independent. I felt free. I cranked up the music and sang along. The first time in a long while, I felt great. Like I was heading towards paradise.

I drove for 4 hours straight and then felt my hands starting to get weak. I needed some rest. There was a motel a few blocks away. I drove in and parked the car. I didn't have a lot of money on me at the moment so I paid for 7 hours and went up to my room.
The room wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was too tired to really look through it. I slept as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up to several knocks on the door. I stretched my hands and opened it. A woman with a butterfly tattoo on her stomach stood there and stared at me. She finally spoke and said."You've paid for 7 hours! You need to leave now or pay more." She put her hand forward. I quickly went to the bathroom and brushed. I had forgotten so much at home. I needed to go shop after reaching Miami. I picked up my things and left.

I kept my guitar case and bag in the back seat and jumped back onto the front seat. A new day.


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