49. Familiar

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I heard a sound in the hall and ran out. There was a man in all black staring at me. I could only see his eyes, they looked familiar but he left so quickly that I couldn't place him. I called after him, and ran to catch him. A thief I thought, but he did resemble the man I thought was following me. I didn't get a look at his face though.

My phone rang and I immediately picked it up. "Riley, I'm going to identify the ...body. Could you please come? I don't think I can do this alone."

"I'll be there in ten minutes" I replied and hung up. I brushed my hair which was extremely messy and slipped into a pair of faded blue jeans and a loose black sweater.

I placed my phone in my bag and threw the house keys in too. I took a cab to the precinct and entered the morgue. Natalie was standing there, her head in her hands, she hadn't slept in a while and her baby bump was starting to get more evident.

"Ri.." She said and hugged me. "Thank you for coming, I just.. I won't be able to .." "I know" I said and cut her off. We entered the room and a woman wearing gloves opened a black bag lying on one of the tables there. "Is this him?" She asked.

There was a body inside the bag. The face was destroyed and the whole body was pale blue. I felt nauseated. Natalie started crying. The woman asked again. "Is this Cameron Jones?"

Natalie scanned his body and then asked her to show her his chest. She slipped the white sheet over his chest, below to his belly button. "No, no that cannot be him." Nat said.

"How are you so sure?" I asked her. He has a tattoo on his chest just above his ribs. It's my name." She said and let out a sob. "That can't be him."

Natalie had a huge smile on her face. "What if he's alive Ri? What if he's...alive?" She repeated. "He could be" I said, now thinking about why Jake would confess to a murder that wasn't committed at all.


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