11. The Trio

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Tears escaped my eyes. I had been crying a lot. Cameron came closer and hugged me. His soft touch felt comforting. Nat came closer too. We had a group hug. Cameron wiped my tears and said, "Come on let's get you out of here! Get your mind off of everything!" I smiled and slipped into a pair of shorts and a long sleeved top. I felt better now that Cameron and Natalie were with me. We got into Cameron's car and he said. "Where are we going girls?" "Take me away. Let's just drive; I want to get away from this sick town and its people." I said. Natalie nodded.

Cameron kept driving. He switched on the radio and Angel was playing. "This song is so legit." I heard Cameron say. I turned to him and yelled in excitement, "YOU LIKE IT?" "I LOVE IT" he replied back staring into my eyes. "OH MY GOD, IT'S MY FAVOURITE, KATE'S VOIC..." "KATE'S VOICE IS SO PERFECT, RIGHT?" he cut me off. We were both so excited. For a moment there I had actually forgotten about Neil. All three of us exchanged looks and at exactly the same time started singing the chorus along with Kate's voice playing in the background.

"But you say, we don't mess around, you've got no freedom to come down..We don't take angels from the sky-y-y-y, oh no..We don't mess around, you're meant to be among the clouds cause you're an angel...but that's a lie!"

They stopped singing and I continued the last part of the song hitting the notes perfectly. "I'm not your angel darling, I'm not your angel darling...I, oh I'm never gonna be" I felt calm. Music had that effect on me.

We looked at each other again and laughed. I was feeling so much better. "Cameron, right?" I said. "Yes Cameron Jones." He said.

"It was really nice of you to come and comfort me!" I said. "Yup...well The two of ya'll are my only friends here. You can call me Cam." "You're cute Cam" Nat said while biting her lip. Gosh that girl.

In the next few months, Cam, Nat and me got very close. Cam even knew I could sing and Nat could dance! He was more of a football person. He was better than Neil at soccer. Neil didn't matter to me anymore. I still had a soft corner for him but I was desperately trying to get over him. It's true, the good girls always fall for the bad boys.

Coming back to Cam, he was so sweet. He didn't have a single mean bone in his body. The three of us had shared so much with each other. We even had sleepovers together. It was a lot of fun. Neil was always at the back of my head though.

Apparently it took him no time to get over me. I guess everything he ever said to me was a lie. He never loved me. Someone said he started dating Bridget the day after I found out he cheated on me. I hadn't been the same since I found out though.

I kept telling everyone I ate, but I hadn't eaten for a long time. I was just surviving on water. My dad kept calling me fat and so did other kids in school and the neighbors. I started believing them and reduced the amount I ate or didn't eat at all.

The blade was out almost every day. Sometimes my arms, sometimes my thighs. Everything was wrong inside my head, but my smile hid it all.

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