6. Stay away

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I sat on the floor of my room and cried. I felt sick. I wanted to puke. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. My head was throbbing and I had to know the truth. I called up Neil and started crying on the phone. "Baby what happened? Are you fine? Why are you crying sweetheart?"

"Neil please tell me she's lying!" I kept crying. My voice was cracking. "Who was lying Riles? And about what?" He said sounding concerned. "Natalie! She said you tried coming on to her and that you kissed her!"

I screamed. "What, what bullshit! You know I'd never cheat on you! She's lying! I didn't even meet her after school! I headed straight for football practice that day! She's just jealous that we're together baby! I'm so sorry, you know I love you, I would never ever do anything to hurt you." I calmed down a bit. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you baby, I just... I was scared. I don't ever want to lose you! I love you, sorry.."

I hung up and went and laid on the floor. I switched off my phone and threw it on my bed. I needed some time alone. Natalie was my best friend. I don't think she'd ever lie to me or hurt me but Neil was my everything! I loved him too much and I know he loved me too. He even confirmed that he didn't cheat on me. He seemed very truthful when he said it. I believed him.

Before I knew it my eyes had shut. I slept for a long while. Got up at about 12 am, had some water and went back to sleep. School the next day was going to be tough, with me not speaking to Natalie but I had Neil so I was happy.

I got up the next morning. Quickly got ready and left for school. I didn't even touch my breakfast as I had to reach early to avoid Natalie. I went to class and found a seat next to Neil. He kissed me on my cheek and said "Hey gorgeous! All okay now? I'm sorry about yesterday!" I smiled and said "You have nothing to be sorry about baby, it's not your fault. Sorry I doubted you. I love you."

A few moments later Natalie entered class. She came and sat behind me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged. I was sure it was Natalie. She whispered so that Neil couldn't hear. "Riley I know you're upset but don't blame this on me. You don't realise what you're doing. I did like Neil but I'm completely done with him. He came on to me. I'm not lying. But if you'd rather believe that cheating bastard then I can't do much."

Tears escaped my eyes. I didn't know what was the truth. But I believed Neil. I turned back and said "I'm sorry, I overreacted yesterday. Please stay away from me and Neil. I'll see what is to be done. For now you and me don't need to speak."

She just looked down at her books and rolled her eyes. I looked forward. Class had started. Professor Garnel was teaching us something about the book 'To kill a mockingbird'. As usual I was staring at Neil or the clock waiting for the class to get over.

As soon as school was done. I went over to the field and saw Neil shirtless, practicing for his match next week. I wanted to scream and go hug him but the steel railings didn't allow me to. After he was done he came to me and sat beside me.

We ate lunch together on one of the benches. "Best of luck for the main game Neil" I heard someone say. We turned and it was Bridget. She had long blonde hair. She was pretty and had a body I would kill for. She was Natalie's best friend before I came into the picture. Natalie had told me about how she was a bitch. "Thanks Bri" said Neil while winking at her. Bridget came over to him and kissed his cheek. She looked at me with a smirk and left.

"She's nice,isn't she?" Said Neil. "Yeah super" I said, with a hint of sarcasm.

It was time for me to get back home so I asked him if he could drop me. "No baby, not today, I promised Bri I'd help her with the portion." "Oh, it's fine, I'll go by myself! I'll see you later babe." I walked away after kissing him.

Bridget seemed like a threat. I didn't want Neil to know I was jealous. But I was. He was spending a lot of time with her and he kept ditching me to teach her. He didn't even pick me up now. I went by myself and came by myself. I would only see him during English class because he was too busy. I didn't have anyone to speak to.

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