35. Him Again

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I stared at his face in disbelief. What was he doing sitting on my couch?

"Why are you here?" I asked in an angry tone. "I wanted to see how you were doing Riles" he said actually sounding concerned.

"I'm perfectly fine Neil. I don't need you checking up on me. Thank you but Please leave." I said. He came closer and kneeled down in front of me.

"I'm sorry for everything Riles, I miss you." He said as he embraced me in his comforting arms. I didn't want him. I didn't need him. I was done with him but I still had that little soft corner for him.

"Yeah, I can see that so clearly while Bridget sticks her tongue down your throat." I said trying to be a little harsh.

"Bridget... and I...we're done. I realised that I didn't care for her as I did for you." He said.

"Is that why you slept with her? ....You know what Neil, I cannot do this anymore. I've been hurt enough. I can't go through this again. I loved you. I love you. But you and me. Never again." I said softly as my voice broke.

"Alright Riley. I'll see you soon then. Bye." he said with a rather upset voice which I really didn't expect.

I replied back with a little disappointment, "Umm I'm leaving for New York tomorrow. I don't think I'll be coming here anytime soon. So this is goodbye."

"Oh. Oh. Umm yeah alright. I hope you'll be happy there." He said as he hugged me for the very last time. I had butterflies in my tummy. Something about him just mesmerised me.

I could smell his regular cologne on him. The smell I had yet not forgotten. I knew he was always going to be there somewhere in the back of my mind. Of course he was. He was my very first love and I was going to miss him.

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