Chapter Eleven

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      If there was one thing Rania loved most, it was throwing a party. The days leading up to Ophelia's birthday party, Rania spent the time making sure her family was presentable for their guests. She zipped around the cottage for days, fixing and adjusting every little thing she could think of. Calypso knew that no matter how much her mum tried not to care about what other pureblood families thought of her, she did. 

       Calypso maneuvered around her bedroom that was decorated with hues of blue and silver. The window was open and blowing in the fresh summer air from outside. Her owl, Mercury, was chirping in the corner as he sat in his cage, his beady black eyes following Calypso as she moved through her room. Her room was a bit of a mess with books piled high on the ground and papers sprawled out on the desk and the floor. Her new quill set that Sirius bought her was on her desk beside a piece of parchment which had the words Dear Sirius scribbled at the top in her neat handwriting. The ceiling above her bed was painted with a large mural of the solar system. She recalled spending the summer between first and second year creating it and she was quite happy with the way it had turned out. At night, she could stare up and look at the stars. Her mum had even enchanted it so that the sky moved each night and she could see different planets.

      Calypso stood in front of the silver mirror and finished pinning her bun, making sure to leave strands of curled hair in front of her face. Her mum had taken her to her favorite Muggle dress shop and bought her a new dress that Alex told her made her look like a "hippie" but she didn't know what that meant.

      Alex was downstairs, nervous and excited to meet the girls's father. Calypso wasn't excited to see her father, nor did she want anything to do with the man. A part of her wanted to tell her mother what he had done on Christmas but she was afraid to, so she kept it to herself.

      The door creaked open and Ophelia entered the room. Calypso clenched her jaw and narrowed her eyes when Ophelia wordlessly took a necklace from Calypso's jewelry box. It was small and vintage, from the 40s, and it had been passed down from Rania to Calypso. It had been Calypso's grandmother's before it had been Rania's and Calypso thought it was beautiful. Back when Ophelia and Calypso were close, Ophelia would borrow the necklace for special occasions and events and Calypso hadn't minded then.

      Calypso eyed her sister out of the corner of her eye when she attempted to place the necklace around her neck. She sighed softly when she thought about her mother's plea for the girl's to get along. 

     ''Here, let me.'' Calypso said. Ophelia smiled softly when Calypso made her way over to her older sister.

     Calypso eyed her sister's green dress and curly dark hair. She had seen Ophelia running around the house earlier looking scattered with her hair up in their mother's rollers. Her sister always cleaned up nice, but Calypso always thought it was amusing to see the whole process. 

      ''For today, can we just . . . agree to be nice to each other? I have a lot of friends coming to the house and between mum's new boyfriend, her pregnancy, and your friends, I have a reputation to uphold for this family — one that could change depending on how well this party goes.'' Ophelia stated. Calypso rolled her eyes. Of course the only thing Ophelia cares about is their family's reputation.

      ''Fine.'' Calypso said through slightly gritted teeth. She stepped away from Ophelia when she clasped the necklace around her neck.

     ''I have a surprise for you.'' Ophelia stated. Calypso frowned in her sister's direction, feeling slightly wary when she thought about what Ophelia could possibly give to her. 

      Ophelia walked over to the closed bedroom door with a sly grin on her face before she pulled it open. Calypso gasped as Ophelia stepped past the person in the doorway and disappeared downstairs.

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