Chapter Fifty-Five

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Calypso stood alone in the quiet room after Dumbledore left to speak to other members of the Order. She stared out of the window and watched as snow fell from the sky and stuck to the ground below. She used to love winter, but lately her winters had been plagued by death or betrayal. And this — Calypso wasn't sure how she was going to get over this.

The door creaked open and she glanced into the reflection of the window. Sirius crept into the room.

"Everyone's heading out — are you okay?" Sirius asked. His frown deepened as Calypso turned to face him, a troubled look on her face.

"Voldemort has a partner. She's called the Dark Lady." Calypso said. Her voice was barely above a whisper but Sirius somehow managed to hear her. He patiently waited as Calypso struggled to get out the next part. She hadn't even wanted to tell Dumbledore, but she did and he gave her a task, one that she wasn't sure she could accomplish. "My grandmother is the Dark Lady."

"Which one?" Sirius asked instantly. Calypso sighed.

"Rhea." She whispered. She could feel her cheeks warming as her hands started to shake. Sirius continued to stare at her, not speaking until she said everything she needed to say. "Rhea loved him when they were in school, but she married my grandfather and told everyone that was the end of it, but I don't think it was. She's been gone for all these years and then she randomly shows up at Hogwarts one day. I can't believe I was so quick to trust her."

        Calypso's bottom lip trembled and she huffed. She wasn't sure if the tears were because she was so angry or if she was just sad.

         "It's not your fault, Cal." Sirius said.

        "Yes, it is." Calypso said, a tear slipping from her eye. "She's Maverick and Alex's Secret Keeper. She's the only one who knows where they're hiding."

           Sirius's face fell and he stepped forward, engulfing Calypso into a tight hug. She buried her head into his shoulder, feeling scorned. Her grandmother had felt like the last piece of her parents and sister she had left.

        "Maybe . . . maybe she's not." Calypso lifted her head and frowned at Sirius. "Well, Voldemort killed her son. Why would she allow him to do that and stay by his side?"

        "Because she's a coward." Calypso said "Remember the vision I had of my grandfather dying? What if I saw that because that was the moment Rhea becomes this 'Dark Lady'?"

        "What'd Dumbledore say?" Sirius asked. Calypso chewed on the inside of her cheek. Sirius's eyes narrowed. "What?"

         "We agreed it would be best if she didn't know we were onto her until we figure out how to help Maverick and Alex. I know she wouldn't tell me their location because we all swore not to, but I think she would've told another Death Eater or maybe one of their kids knows something." Calypso swallowed the lump forming in her throat. "So . . . he wants someone to go in."


        "Undercover. Dumbledore is going to pick a volunteer to infiltrate the Death Eaters and find out information. Normally, I'd volunteer but it'd be impossible to convince them that I'd join sides with them and I need answers. I can't live with myself if I don't figure out what's happened to my family and the only way I can do that is by pretending to be one of them."

        "Who do you think it'll be?" Sirius asked. Calypso shrugged.

"I don't know, but Dumbledore said he'd want me to train them in Occlumency and Legilimency in case anything happens." Calypso said before frowning. "I hope nothing happens."

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