Chapter Sixty-Six

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For the first time in years, Calypso found herself relaxing.

She spent most of her time burying herself in her schoolwork, enjoying the power that came with being a seventh year as she spent most of her days engaged in classes she was genuinely interested in. History of Magic was proving to be a subject that she fell back in love with and she enjoyed staying up until the wee hours of the morning polishing and perfecting a dozen pages of parchment as she kept up with her NEWT-level classes. The time not spent studying or in class could be spent freely. Calypso often went to the Astronomy Tower for a quiet place to think when her friends were off doing Merlin knows what. When Sirius was available, the pair of them would sit under the tree near the lake. Calypso would read while Sirius enjoyed being in her presence. To her, life had achieved a level of peace that she had not been able to experience in almost four years.

She relaxed as the weeks passed and Calypso distracted herself from the fact that Professor Zabini had yet to get back to her about Rhea. The letter Calypso had sent her had been simple — she asked Professor Zabini to meet with her during their first Hogsmeade trip of the year at Hog's Head — where almost no one would be — if she was willing to tell Calypso about her grandmother. Calypso didn't want to ask Professor Zabini to publicly speak out about her old friend until the two of them could see each other in person.

Mercury had returned after the letter was sent without a response and a full belly, indicating that he had been fed by someone. Calypso didn't know if Professor Zabini would come but she tried not to think about what would happen if she didn't.

When the time came for the first Hogsmeade trip of the year, Calypso lined up beside James, Peter, Sirius, and Remus as they walked down the path from Hogwarts to the Village.

"I cannot believe you might miss our last first Hogsmeade trip," James pouted from the end of the line as she stared at the side of Calypso's face. Calypso ignored him, too busy practicing in her mind what she would say to Professor Zabini.

"Hopefully, we can find out more information on Rhea's involvement with Voldemort. We need the public to be aware that Voldemort is not operating alone." Sirius said from Calypso's side.

"Didn't Dumbledore say that Professor Zabini was friends with your grandmother? Why would she betray her own friend simply because her granddaughter asked her to?" James asked. "I couldn't imagine betraying any of you, even if it had been years and you lot were involved with a dark wizard."

Peter grinned at that.

"Your loyalty does not go unnoticed." Sirius joked. "But, I think I'd rat on one of you if you were trying to kill all Muggles and Muggleborns."

"Professor Zabini seemed kind last year. I suspect she will do what is right." Remus reasoned.

Calypso shrugged.

"There's no guarantee she's even going to be there to meet me. She never wrote back to me." Calypso frowned. She could see Hog's Head in the distance. She turned to Sirius and handed him a crumpled piece of parchment. "Make sure to get me new quills. I am desperate for a red and gold one."

"Of course, love." Sirius kissed her on the cheek and the four boys took off in the opposite direction, leaving Calypso to approach Hog's Head on her own.

James was right, unfortunately. What reason would Professor Zabini have to tell Calypso about Rhea's life or to go public with Rhea's involvement with Voldemort when they were young? Calypso would not be able to protect Professor Zabini from the wrath of Rhea Krane nor Voldemort. Her confidence wavered, but she stepped into the empty, dark pub regardless of her fears.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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