Chapter 41

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Once again, I am humbled that many of you still read the updates and are kind enough to leave awesome comments about the storyline and the characters. I just started reading Game of Thrones, and if you are confused about the many characters in this story, you don't stand a chance in that book! ;)

Anyway, Milokan's past is dark, and I just want to put a little trigger warning that the content might be sensitive to some readers.

- Sian

"Who I really am?" Milokan frowned. "I am not sure what you mean."

"We should sit down while I say this, it might be a little difficult for you." Panuleon motioned to black leather couches in the corner of the room.

The boys were hesitant at first, mainly because the door was locked, but Panuleon wanted to make sure that whatever was said could not be heard by anyone else, or interrupted.

When everyone was seated, Panuleon's eyes looked very serious. He was sitting incredibly still, and Corey seemed aware of it.

"So, Milokan, did any angels ever treat you differently in heaven?" Panuleon asked.

"Yes," the angel nodded, "all of them."

"Do you know why?"

Milokan shook his head and asked, "Do you?"

"Yes," Panuleon sighed. "I recognised your name, and well, you look familiar."

Milokan leant closer to Kaiden, feeling confused.

"Why?" his voice was quiet now, all he wanted to do was listen.

"Let me start from the beginning." Panuleon shared a troubled glance with his soulmate before clearing his throat. "Eighteen thousand years ago, demon's broke into this world for the first time and captured Vinny and Oliver. They took them into the world we used to live in, which is the world you have just left. They tied us up in a room together and left us there for days as they tried to understand our bond, and the power within us, the one Corey talked about earlier. While we were locked up, two elder angels were running the entire operation. They had betrayed heaven and wanted to destroy its creations, which at the time, was us and Oliver and Vinny. We were designed to keep heaven safe because the demons were carelessly chopping at the fabrics between the worlds, right where heaven sits. Now, I'm not sure if you have heard of someone called Zachariah, but-"

"We have," Milokan interrupted. "Jeronah said he used to be the gatekeeper of heaven before he was allowed to look after you and Corey. Is that right?"

"Who is Jeronah?" Corey asked.

"Kaiden's father, and he used to do the job that Zachariah did."

They both stared at the demon for a long second, knowing they needed to know much more about him, but now was not the time.

"You are right, Zachariah used to do that job, but he was also my guardian in heaven. He raised me and looked after us both while we were struggling to live in the other world. I am guessing you know our pain about always fearing the demons. They are everywhere," Panuleon said. Milokan nodded, but Kaiden stared blankly, wanting to know more about his soulmates past. "So, I'll get back to the war. While we were locked up, Zachariah was looking for us, and unfortunately, one of the elder angels captured him." Panuleon's voice wavered a little, and his eyes were filling with sadness. "Zachariah was abused in horrific ways by the angel until the word got out that we had escaped and the elder angel panicked and fled. We didn't know that she was working with the devil and fled to hell." Panuleon took a breath to compose himself. "As we defeated the other angel and escaped to this world, the elder angel in hell later gave birth to a child, Zachariah's child."

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