1: brutal awakening

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I feel warm,

Opening my eyes I'm aware of a falling sensation. Falling to the floor i land in a crouch. I notice shards of crystal on the ground. Examining the fragments of the crystal I'm surprised to realize it's an innocence crystal. The shards around me start disappearing into a swirl of smoke before going back into my right hand.

Standing up I look around noticing I was in some type of museum. There were many different artifacts. I'm stunned when my eyes land on a golden ball with wings. Is that Timcampy? Running over I smash the case he was in. An alarm starts going off.

Timcampy yawns before he starts attacking me with snuggles. He suddenly spits something up. Bending down I'm happy to see its my exorcist coat." Thanks Timcampy. Now let's go find everyone,they'll probably know where we are." I say slipping my coat on. Varies men start showing up. Timcampy sits on my shoulder. The men all looked shocked. Before they know what going on I take off. I weave in and out of hallways seeing different artifacts. Most of them were just junk though. Pssshhhh and they call this a museum. More like a building that waste time. Wait if this was a museum does that mean I was on display. B**** I'm fabulous but that's still rude and creepy.

Finally I see a large door that said exit and enter. Wow that's explanatory enough. Pushing it open I run outside only to stop. There stood a few weird people. I couldn't even explain what was wrong with them.

"Halt by the order of hero's you are to come with us quietly or be arrested." One says.

" um sorry no I don't go with strangers plus being arrested isn't scary. What so scary about it. Throw me in another dungeon why don't you." They sigh.

"Listen we know you must be confused but if you would come with us to UA every will be explained." I think for a second." Fine but give me the directions to the building." They stare at me confused. But shrug." With that I take off in the direction of this UA building. I get there relatively quickly. Jumping over the gate I do a little happy dance.

I had so much energy. Unfortunately I was so distracted I didn't notice the big guy with yellow hair.

" whoa man lay off the steroids." He laughs picking me up by the back of my coat. I'm going to kill him in. My innocence activates and before he can say anything my right hands to his neck." Put me down now or I'll kill you." He nervously laughs before setting me down." Please if you would follow me." I sigh following him deactivating crown clown. If I want to find Allen and everyone else I first need to know where I am and why I'm here.

I follow the man. The huge man. Seriously this guys big, into a type of auditorium. There were a bunch of people were already sitting down. I stare at the people examining them. Ok we got a man with weird scarves around his neck and looks as if he could use a nap. A girl with black mask and revealing outfit. The suit couldn't of been just a bit higher to cover her breasts, Nope guess not. A man with yellow hair and headphones over his ears. A guy with square body and gray skin, there was a rat man. Which I'm quite surprised about. Never seen a rat that big before. And finally there was a little old lady sitting to the side.

"Please take a seat-" "Silver" I say taking a seat away from everyone else. The rat man gets onto the stage." Now silver before we start explaining things let us tell you out names. I'm nezu, the principle of this school."

"I'm Aizawa, Shota" says the guy who could use a nap.

"I'm Yamada, Hizashi the school D.J." I nod not really caring. I will need to find out what a D.J is though later.

"I'm Kayama, Nemuri" the woman with the revealing outfit says.

"I am Ishiyama, Ken" says square guy.

" I'm the school nurse Shuzenji, Chiyo." I smile at her she seemed sweet.

"Silver do you know how long you were in that crystal for?" Nezu asks staring at me. They all were even the Aizawa guy who looked as if he was about to fall asleep.

I think for a moment. Let's see, the last thing I remember. The last thing I remember issssss. I'm about to give up when memories suddenly filter through my head making me jump up." ALLEN" they all looked startled.

"Nezu man I need to find my brother Allen. The last thing I remember is getting stabbed before waking up in that crystal."

"Silver, silver calm down just listen to us. You were in that crystal for over 500 years any body you knew I'm sorry to say are all dead."

I stand there stunned." Your lying." He shakes his head." No, no I'm not silver." Timcampy suddenly starts biting at me ear." Aww Timcampy what? What do you want?" He opens his mouth spitting out something else. I barely catch it before it hits the ground. On closer examination I realize what it was." Mugen" I whisper in disbelief. It was true. Kanda wound never just leave his innocence somewhere. Timcampy spits something else out. I catch it. It was a glowing green orb that shattered my heart. My breaking point. Dropping to my knees I begin to to cry. Because in my hands was my brothers innocence. The two people I loved most in this world were gone. I had failed them. A sister and girlfriend. When they needed me the most.

I wasn't there.

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