19: I'M WHAT

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Within 10 minutes of the hero's arriving police cars, fire trucks and ambulances arrived. The injured were taken to the hospital including me. But not of my own free will. Kanda forced me to go saying I need to be for careful. I'm strong but fragile and that i need to fight with more caution. I wasn't in serious danger or anything but when I got to the hospital the doctors acted as if I had been. Psh I'm done except for a few broken bones and cuts that will heal.

Sighing kanda and Allen step out to go get food. Leenale was getting drinks and I think lavi was flirting with the hospital staff.

The doctor suddenly walks in." How are you ms. Walker?" I shrug.

He sits down taking off his glasses. Silver your very lucky. From the amount of damage you sustained I'm surprised you and your baby are still alive!" I nod sighing. Of course they wouldn't know, I'm not completely hum-WAIT WHAT.

My eyes widen and I jump up." What the hell do you mean by baby? I can't get pregnant!" He looked shocked.

"What do you mean? Did you not know. From the tests we took your definitely pregnant." I begin pacing . I can't get pregnant. I'm a homunculi. I don't even get my period any more, how am I fertile? Besides how could I be pregnant we only did it once a few days ago. How could they tell already?

This didn't make any sense." Tell no one of this." I say glaring at the doctor. He nods rushing out. I sigh sitting on the bed slouching.

How is this even possible? Is that why I couldn't draw that much energy from the stone? And my healing slowed. Is it because I'm also supporting another life form inside me. O God how am I going to tell everyone this? One things for certain though its that I need to take care of myself better so I don't harm the baby.

When everybody came back in i acted as if nothing had happened and that i was still annoyed about being here. Which I still was but now I had other things on my mind. I need to know if kanda wants to be a father.

After a while of pointless waiting and a few stiches since I'm not healing as fast we finally leave. We go to my apartment which nezu has been so kind as to provide for me. The first thing i do is plop on the couch tired. "Are you sure your ok silver, you haven't been acting like yourself?" Allen asks. Which I nod falling asleep.

Staring at silver I think about her normal behavior. She was acting differently. Silver never gets tired, she's never had an issue with her healing after she gained the stone. What's wrong with her? Has the stone been exhausted of its energy.

I sigh sitting on the other side of her. Kanda does the same and starts stroking her hair. Something wrong with my sister and I want to help. I just don't know how. She's hiding something. I know that. She's sleeping on her own free will right now. What can I do to help her?

Millennium earl

I smirk heading back to the ark. Silver was weak now for some reason and I plan to take full advantage of that. Watching the fight between her and the villains it made me realize silver mellowed out and cares for the human children more then I knew and because of that she was beaten.

Messing with the students is fun bit causing silver pain is more fun. I need a direct attack one that will kill her for sure. And I know just who to talk to about this.

Waking the next morning I walk to the refrigerator only to realize it was empty. Damn it Allen. Well I guess I did need to go food shopping anyways. I get dressed leaving my room. Leenalee was awake yawning. "Hay leenale do you want to go to the store with me?" She nods getting up and we leave.

Walking to the store I decide to spike up a conversation." So leenale, quick question, Do you think kanda would ever want to have a kid?" She looks stunned at the question but thinks for a moment." I don't know maybe, kanda hasn't really disclosed any information about his past to anyone. Why?" I sigh,"there's a lot I've got to tell you."

While walking I tell her about kanda proposing to me and our relationship. Then I get to the hospital part." So leenale you know how I was forced to go to the hospital?" She nods." Well I'm kinda glad I did go because well..." she stares at me waiting for me to finish." Does it have something to do with your stone?"

"Um it kinda does. When you guys were getting food the doctor came in with some shocking news. I thought they were just going to tell me that I needed a sling and stuff for my arm that had been broken but that's not what he told me.

Sighing I take a deep breath. Why was it so hard to say." You can't tell anybody especially kanda!!"

"Ok,ok just tell me already."

I sigh"I'm pregnant with kandas child." She looked shocked as if someone had just recited the entire equation of pie to her. At first she didn't answer or do anything. Then a wide smile spreads across her face and she jumps up squealing." Omg this is so cute, have you told anyone other then me yet." I shake my head no.

" I just found out yesterday. But I don't get it. Normally you wouldn't be able to tell if your pregnant for at least a few weeks. Me and kanda did it only a few days ago." The last part I say with a heavy blush causing her to smirk and laugh.

"Maybe the baby's growth rate has something to do with your stone." I nod,"That is a possibility."

Finally we get to the store.

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