34: Attack on Midoriya

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I lay on Allen as we try and think of ways to escape this hell. Before I know it I somehow fall asleep.

I gasp waking up with a bolt. I was still on Allen's lap. He was sleeping as well. I clutch my head as my dream flashes through my brain.

Yin and yang, was what the profecy said me and Allen were.

Allen and I had joined together. Neah in the room and some how when we both United our powers. Allen's light, and my darkness, a glowing gray feild had appeared around us. That's when the dream cuts off. I have a feeling though that's what we need to do. We can't use innocence here but we can use our Noah powers. Just not to directly attack him or he'll neutralize them. I don't know what it will do but at this point the only way it can get any worse is if he completely took over one of our bodies.

Quickly I shake Allen awake. He groans rubbing his eyes like a little kid. O god I miss cival, my little bundle of joy.

I quickly tell Allen my dream before neah shows up. When I'm done Allen stares at me but sighs." We can try it, it's the best thing we've come up with so far. Though I may be a little rusty. I haven't used my light powers since kanda stabbed me in the stomach." He says making me wince. Remembering the whole scene as if it had happened yesterday.

We sit and wait for neah. This had to work, if not..... I don't think we'll ever get out of here.


I sigh walking home early from school. Today was a stressful day. Nezu had made a announcement over the intercom saying school was being released early and until everything settled down school would not be in session. Apparently something with the disappearances had something to do with all this as I heard Aizawa-sensei talking to midnight. I don't want to admit it but I'm scared.

I know UA wouldn't tell us not to come back to school unless something serious was going on.

Sighing I continue the short walk home only stopping at the store to pick up some noodles and eggs for tonight's dinner. I'm getting off early so I figured I could help mom out. Paying i continue home. Getting home I unlock the door walking in. Carefully I place the things down taking my shoes off."Hay mom I'm home early. I don't know if the school called, but they let out early due to all the incidents." There was no sound. Maybe she wasn't home.

Walking to the kitchen I become very aware something was wrong when I smell something burning and see a pan of blackened chicken. Setting the things on the counter I turn the stove off. I look around, Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. But then why was the stove left on. Mom was a very careful person. Never has she left the stove on when she was gone. No she wasn't the type of person to just make careless mistakes like this.

"Mom are you home?" Still no answer.  Maybe she did just forget to turn it down. I know she's been very worried about me walking to and from school to home lately with everything going on. I wouldn't be surprised if she just made a mistake with all the stressful occurrences going on lately.

I put the eggs and noodles away then  walk to my room putting my book bag down. Suddenly I hear something shatter from down the hall. I stop turning around. Mom's room was down the hall.

Silently I leave my room phone in hand. Now a days I always carry it no matter what. I get to the end of the hall hearing muffled crying. The door was slightly ajar. Peeking through careful to avoid squeaky floor board I gasp.

Mom was pinned against the wall by some freaky robot looking thing. I wanted to jump out and save her. I need a plan. I can't be rash in this type of situation. This was for real, nobody else was around. I listen to what its saying while thinking of what to do. "My orders are to kill you to make anybody close to that traitor silver pay but I think I'll take my time with you. As long as the job gets done I won't get in trouble." It says grinning, sharp teeth portraying from its mouth.

My hands gripped the phone. I've seen silver face off with one of these things before. But this one was different. It actually had a body and it seemed much uglier and more intelligent than the last.

Silently I dial Allmights number. It rings once, twice, thrice, then four times before going to voicemail. Damn please pick up, please. I dial again looking through the crack seeing a glowing red eye right behind the crack.

I scream dripping the phone. One for All activates and I immediatly punch the door. My hand goes through it punching the creature which to my surprise leaves a large indent in the things metal. I thought regular quirks or quirks in general couldn't harm these things.

"Hello midoriya-" I scream as it suddenly grabs my broken arm slamming to the ground."MIDORIYA, MIDORIYA. ARE YOU THERE? ARE YOU ALL RIGHT." I hear him scream through the phone." ALLMIGHT GET TO MY HOUSE AND BRING A EXORCI-"

The phones suddenly crushed by the monster stomping on it." Now, now, we wouldn't want those pesky exorcists to ruin our fun would we? Even your darling mother agrees, see look at that face." I picks me up my my other arm, the one that's not broken and spins me around to see my mom on the ground crying. Her leg in a weird position, telling me this monster broke her leg.

"Please let my baby go!! You can have me! You can do what ever you want to me! Just don't hurt my son." Mom cries out trying to get up.

Tears fall from my eyes. I can't believe I went through hell to train my body enough to control One for All ALL and to go to UA. And here I am now still unable to protect myself or even the ones I love.

But I have to try. If not for myself, but for mom!

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