41: Prides....... older

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At that moment my heart raced faster then it ever has. My eye couldn't focas. They were everywhere. Homunculi were walking everywhere. I could tell because most of them had the symbol on there hand. Only it was strange, every symbol I saw though was black. Unlike my red one.

I retreat back into the Ally. Bakugo stares at me confused." Silver what's wrong?" I shake my head. "There a bunch of homunculi out there. I don't know if there friendly or not. Somethings happened within the last few hundred years. Only one homunculi should still be alive and that's pride. I don't know what's going on. I'm especially worried for you Bakugo. I can't fight like I used to and without your quirk and knowing what you gained from passing through the gate, we stand no chance.

He nods thinking." Well f***, what do you suppose we should do?"

I think for a minute. If pride is still alive I should be able to find him through my shadows.

"I'm going to try something real quick. If it works well have to make a little detour." He nods.

I take a deep breath summoning my shadows. They shoot forward spreading in small quantities against the ground to prevent raising any suspicions.

It takes only seconds for me to hit a very strong presence. Only it wasn't evil. In fact all of the homunculi presences I've sensed so far hold no hostility. Non of the homunculi resembled the first seven. Not even me.

Opening my eyes i look to Bakugo who was staring at me. "Well, pride is alive and he's actually not that far. But just to be safe I think we should travel by roof top. Atleast until I know it's completely safe and we can get different clothes. We both stand out for multiple reasons.

He nods, stepping back. Before I know it he takes off running to the nearest wall jumping up, jumping off it then grabbing the roof hoisting himself up.

I stare shocked. Whoa, didn't think he was that strong. He looks down smirking." Like what you see?"

I burst out laughing." Sorry Bakugo but I don't date minors, plus I'm married remember?" He sighs looking away. I summon my shadows using them to lift my body upwards to the roof. From there on we begin jumping from roof top to roof top.

We do this for about 10 minutes until I stop. Making Bakugo immediatly stop. I had to grab his hand to prevent him from falling off the roof. Hoisting him up, I stare at the building in front of me. It was central main command building and in front of it stood a young man with short black hair who's was staring up at us with a smirk.

He moves his hair back to reveal his forehead. There sat his newly formed symbol. When ed ripped his sin from his body his mark changed. I wonder what else has changed about him.

I jump down making a stairway for Bakugo to get down with my shadows. He walks down.

Slowly we walk towards pride my eyes don't leave his. If his look on humans is anything like the last time I met him then that could be a problem.

We stop about 10 feet from pride cautiously.

"Well, well, well if it isn't silver. It's been a while." I nod." Yes it has pride, tell me has your out look on humans changed?" He smiles wide." O yes very much so. Without father around and my sin gone, my head was clear and I was able to realize that what I had been doing was so terribly wrong. Come, inside let me tell you all that has changed. I think you be quite surprised."

I nod still keeping my guard up. I take bakugo's hand. Looking behind him I do see a lot of people staring at us. I mean Bakugo was in his hero costume and I was wearing my exorcist coat.

We follow pride in. Imagine my surprise when I see mustang." MUSTANG, is that you." He turns around a wide smile appears on his face." Silver its so good to see you. It's been a while." I stare at him shocked before snapping out of it and responding.

"You as well mustang. Tell me, how are you alive, let alone what looks to be the ripe age of 26?(sorry if I got the age wrong and he way older in the anime or manga.) It's been a few hundred years, only a homunculi could have lived thay long." He gives me a sly smile." It's kind of hard to explain. I'll just let pride explain it to you. I have to go now bit come by my office later today so I can tell you everything that's happened since you've been gone." I nod turning back to pride as he motions for me to follow him.

We do going up a few flights of stairs and a few hallways. Finally he stops at a cream colored door. We walk in and see a perfectly normal office. A desk, a few filling cabbnits. You know all that boring stuff.

We both take seats across from pride of sighs.

We as you've noticed most, likely with your eye Every one around us bares the homunculi symbol. Well before you freak out there not homunculi. There kind of like you except they never died."

I stare at him confused, I didn't understand what he ment.

He sighs again." Ok I'll try and explain this as best as I can." I nod motioning for him to start explaining.

"Ok were to start, o that's right. After you left the military was horrified at what had happened and tried to atone for them. Well everything was going great. After a few years A small group of ishballen soldiers didn't believe that the military was sorry at all for what they did and rebelled against us."

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