2: Mixed emotions

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I asked if they had a gym or training center and they did. When I got there they even had a radio. Turning it up loud I strip my coat and shirt leaving me in pants and a sports bra. Grabbing some tape I wrap my hands and begin on the punching bag. I don't know how long I spent in there before my music's being turned down. Turning around I spot nezu.

"Why don't you take a break silver its been 5 hours. Any more activity without break could cause permanent damage." Nezu says. I laugh at that." Physical exhaustion, starvation or even dehydration can do nothing to me. Technically I'm not even alive so I don't really require any of the basic necessities a human would. Although they are nice to par-take in." I say smiling at nezu.

Now that I've calmed down and could think clearly it was time to figure out my next course of action.

"Even though you said you don't need to why don't we still go grab a bite to eat." I nod grabbing my clothes. Pulling them on we head out.

Walking outside with nezu I observe the city. It's so different more advanced then back then. "What are those screen things." Nezu looked shocked. "Those are T.Vs.They are one of the ways we can figure out what's going on in the world." I nod, that pretty cool.

We stop walking at a small café. Taking our seats a lady comes over. And takes our order for drinks and leaves. "So nezu are there any jobs open at the school. Not teaching wize more like body guard or something along those lines." He closes his menú." Actually silver that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I want you to attend my school and learn what it means to be a hero. While watching you train today I saw real potential."

"I'm an exorcist fightings in my blood. If I'm not good at it I can kiss my life good bye. Besides I'm already a hero. I kill akuma and help the people who can't defend themselves." He sighs

"yes,yes but what about now? Akuma and such no longer exist what will you do? And try to keep the exorcist thing on the down low. Dome people still resent exorcists and may become violent."

He has a good point. If innocence, exorcists, or akuma no longer exist then why am I here? And how could people resent exorcist we saved people, putting our own lives on the line.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts my someone turning up the t.v. watching it I notice some kind of monster on t.v.  It had taken some kid hostage and another was trying to fight it.

"Where's this taking place?" Nezus eyes look up before widening." No silver absolutely not. Your not a permitted hero yet, its illegal." That's where I laugh." Nezu one thing you need to know about me is that no matter the place, world or time period I don't follow rules. Never have, never will. If I want to do something, I do it. Besides I'll prove to the world that exorcists arnt the monster they see us as. Now where's the location for this?" He sighs obviously knowing he's not going to win." It's down town, main street." I smile." K thanks I'll be back in a bit." With that I take off out the door.

Finding it wasn't that hard since there was a huge crowd gathering in the area. Jees have people become stupid? When we used to fight akuma people ran the other way. They didn't stop for a show. Transforming I run through the crowd. I run to the monster whom was suffocating a child. Damn what the hell. What did this kid have some type of super power or something. Explosions were coming from his hands. Quickly grabbing his hand with my left I pull with slight pain feeling the explosions against my skin. I pull him out immediatly stabbing the monster with my hand. It stops and seems to start bleeding if possible. My shadows come out stabbing the monster multiple times. While that's going on I turn to the kids." Are you guys ok?" They don't answer, just stare behind me. Probably at the shadows.

Deactivating my innocence I turn to the blond boy." Hay Blondie give me your hands." He glares at me but complies. Being as gentle as I can i take them in mine.

A light blue glow illuminates our hands. After a few minutes I release him smiling." There they should feel better now." He stares at his hands amazed.

"Hay kids do you know how dangerous that was? You were almost killed. Especially you." He says pointing to a kid with green hair. I sigh stepping forward.

"Nonsense when I came they were no longer in any danger. So shut up your annoying." I say glaring at him. He gasps. "How dare you talk to your supirer that way." I laugh." It's ok I forgive you for not knowing, but I'm actually older then you, I just may not look it. And I can tell you as well I've been fighting a lot longer then you have so you wannabe hero better back off." I say growling the last bit.

They gulp backing up a bit making me smirk. I win. I begin walking away the kids following.

After walking a block I stop turning around." Look I'm new to town so following me really is useless. I'll probably just get you lost." The blond one smirks while the green haired one figets." So you don't know your way around, how did you get to the crime scene anyway then?"" O I asked nezu." They both looked confused but shrugged." I'm silver by the way." The green haired one stops fidgeting and is about to speak but is interrupted  by Blondie.

"I'm Katsuki, Bakugo and you better remember it cuz I won't tell you again." I laugh at that." It's ok because if I forget your name I'll just go back to calling you Blondie" I smirk at his agitated face.

"I'm izuku, Midoriya." I smile he seemed sweet and innocent. "Psh there's no reason for you to remember his name, he's just a quirkless nobody." Bakugo says glaring at midoriya.

I glare at Bakugo." First of all I don't know what a quirk is but don't ever call him useless in my presence again. Everybody has a purpose and reason in life even you bakugo." He frowns before turning and walking off.

Sighing I turn to midoriya who was staring at me muttering. Snapping some fingers in front of his face snaps him out of it. His face turns red causing me to laugh. "I'll see you later Izuku, bye." I run off back to the café.

Is she Japanese? She called me by my first name.

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