10: No risks

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It was Friday. The bell had just rung for class when Bakugo walks In looking like utter s***. His clothes were in disheacal, dark purple bags were under his eyes and his hair though normally messy looked to hold tons of nots in it from the lack of combing.

He silently takes his seat while everyone stares him down. The teacher walks in and begins teaching. I couldn't focus though. I was happy Bakugo was in class but something felt wrong. Something evil was close by or in this classroom. At the end of class we were given free time. Everyone crowds around Bakugo trying to figure out why he's been out lately." I've just been having some breathing problems, that's it, now go away" he growls. I laugh yup he may look bad but he's still the same old Bakugo. Walking over I became dreadfully aware of how the presence grew stronger this time I recognized it. Tyki mikk.

Walking over to Bakugo I notice he's humming a tune, a very familiar tune." Bakugo where did you hear that song from?" He looked nervous before answering." Um a little girl why." I straighten, about to answer when Bakugo suddenly doubles over clutching his chest in pain.

I freak out dropping to my knees." Bakugo what's the matte-" I then smell the scent. It's very faint but there." S*** you've been around Tyki." Pushing Bakugo down flat he squints his eyes closed." Bakugo you've been around road and tyki. I know for a fact they did something to you. What did they do to you?" Taking a deep breath he whisper answers. "I don't know the man just put his hand into my chest then I felt pain." I think for a moment. Tyki's known for taking organs but figuring Bakugos still breathing and is alive its unlikely he took and organ from his chest. The only option left is-. My eyes widen in realization of what tyki did." Bakugo stay still I need to see." Ripping his buttons to his shirt open I reveal his chest and gasp." Black stars littered his chest." O my god Bakugo he stuck a tease in you. Teases are made with black matter, this can kill you. Why didn't you show me earlier?" He doesn't answer just gasping In pain and for air.

"S*** I need to get them out, but how? Damn think silver think. A thought crosses my mind. Alchemy, I can use it to heal Bakugo at the same time killing the tease or teases inside him." I NEED CHALK OR A MARKER NOW!" I scream.

Lida quickly tosses me some chalk and I begin drawing the transmutation circle around and under Bakugo. When I'm done I activate my innocence releasing my shadows to cover my hands and arms. Clapping my hands I slam them down on the circle. Assortment of colors travel down my arms to the circle making it glow a rainbow color. It travels to Bakugo. His body glows a blue and the stars start disappearing. His breathing slows to normal and the stars fully disappear, telling me there was no longer any black matter in his body. I stop, smiling at Bakugo who stands up staring up at his chest. I smile at him once more before collapsing and darkness takes me over.

Me, lavi and four were all playing cards when my eye suddenly activates and I detect that very familiar presence. It couldn't be. It can't be." Allen what's wrong? Why did your eye activate? She couldn't be, but I felt it. Only I can feel my other half and I could tell she was definitely alive." It's silver, she's alive." I say starting to cry a bit. Lavi jumps up. Scaring four." This is great news, if silver's alive that means she's living out in the world somewhere. She's not being attacked by people. Maybe we can live in the world again." Lavi says jumping up getting excited. I put my hands out trying to calm him down." Lavi I know for a fact silver's alive but I don't know if it's safe out there yet. You've got to remember silver,even though she's my twin, she isn't like the rest of us exorcists. She can handle herself."

He sighs mumbling something." We have to tell everybody else about this allen." Four says just now speaking up. I nod" let's gather everyone." Lavis gone the same second my sentence finishes, I gulp.

15 minutes later
Everyone was now gathered in the cafeteria. There were a lot of people too. Every exorcist from both the European and Asian branch lived here. Sighing I walk to the front standing up on a table, Lavi joins me giving me a thumbs up.

Taking a deep breath I start." Today I became aware from the connection our innocence share that silver, my sister is alive." Loud shatter and yelling start throughout the room.

A little ways away someone pushes through the crowd. It wasn't till they were close enough to touch me till I realized who it was. Kanda suddenly stops in front of me. Small tears streaming down his face." Is it true? Is silver's really alive?" I nod smiling wide. Before I know it he takes off running. Bursting through the door we all stand there in shock as he runs off." Lavi, leenale, he's going for the for the door." I say jumping off the table beginning to run off after him.

I make it outside just as I see him push through the door. The door to the world. I run through a few seconds later, Lavi and leenale a little behind me. I come to the clearing the ark was hiding in. I could faintly see kanda running through the trees. I run after him. I had to hurry or he'll reach the city before I can catch him.

It's not that I don't want to find my sister. It's just my sister is well powerful. I may be her other half but I can definitely say she's the stronger twin. My sister can handle herself that I know. And if she's been living in this world for who knows how long then she knows how to blend in. We on the other hand do not. Sure we can wear regular clothes but what about our innocence. What about akuma. We don't leave the ark much in fear so we don't really know what the world's like. How are we suppose to know if it's safe to go into the city without getting killed? We don't know. And I'm not willing to take that risk. I can't loose any more friends and the black order can't loose any more exorcists.

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