33: Are the hero's being wimps or dogs of the government?

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I had unchained allen and we were currently sitting on the floor trying to come up with any idea on how to get out of here. It's odd because in here, this world where ever we are.  I don't possess my stone and neither of us can contact our innocence like it's asleep or something and neither of us can use our Noah power. Allen, light and me, shadows.

"There's got to be something we haven't tried yet." Allen says frustrated. I sigh, thinking. I had a bad feeling. And it only grew worse the longer we sat here.

Neah comes here every day pestering us about giving up our bodies. What I don't get is,why doesn't he force us to. He's done it before for short amounts of time. Why not take control permanently?

Again I sigh looking down. We have to get of here soon.


It's been 4 weeks since Allen and silver both went into commas. Doctors from all across the country have shown up trying to figure out how to wake them with no success. But lately as much as I've wanted to stay with her i can't. More akuma have been popping up and there's been sightings of Noah around the country. To say in the least we're in trouble if we can't wake the two. I talked to nezu, silver's principle, about the whole child protective services thing. He said he would get everything sorted out which I'm very grateful for. Dealing with them right now is just to much.

It was time the public knew about these things and the Noah, for their protection. Komui has set a meeting with U.A and there teachers. This was a serious matter that needed to be addressed.

All of us. Leenale, lavi, me komui and a few other exorcists enter the large office to see every one sitting with a serious expression. Komui walks over taking a seat across from nezu. He clears his throat getting serous. Which is a big thing especially for silver.

" Mr. Nezu, Hero's, thank you for meeting with us today. Im sure you are aware of the disappearances in japan and around the world. Its come to our attention that exorcists may be able to fight akuma and the Noah but you can't damage them physically with your quirks. We want to warn the public about what is going on. They need to know who to watch out for and what to do when the see them."

Komui suddenly drops three newspaper's on the table. I recognized  them from Europe, the U.S and Japan. Each were about the disappearances, and the strange being that were popping up killing people. "These newspaper's are from yesterday. People are already aware that these beings cause harm and there scared. My exorcists and our technology can stop and kill them."

Nezu and the hero's sit there stunned thinking. They were well aware of what was happening around the world. Many hero's from Europe and Japan were being called to the U.S, Europe and Asia to fight th ese things but physical attacks had no effect on them. The best they could do was trap or even maybe slow them down a bit.

"Letting the public know would be a good idea but how do we prevent a panic and utter chaos once they know the full truth." Komui smiles.

" I thought you might ask. I want to let the people know that even though there hero'quirks can't do much damage, we a have technology that can trap them. We have exorcists that can kill them they have no reson to panic."

All the Hero's sigh." It's a great idea, and yes we're Hero's but we still have to follow rules of society and the government. Unless the government agrees its ok then we won't do it." A hero says his body completely made of wood. I got my teeth. "Timcampy come here." I say to Allen's pet. He flies over. "Tim show them the ship wreck, when the whole pirate crew were struck with the dark matter built and the result of it." I say glaring at them.

Tim immediatly opens his mouth showing the footage of when akuma attacked the ship. When leenale almost died, when do many lives were given to protect us.

The clip goes on till the very end showing Miranda releasing her time barrier. Everything went back to normal and the black stars reappeared back on all the non-exorcists skin. The ship begun to sink. The last moment was everyone then turning to dust as the ship sunk to the bottom on the ocean."

Timcampy closes his mouth and flies over to sit on the top of my head, which I try my best to ignore because he played that clip.

"You see those were normal humans who had been infected with dark matter. They had families, friends who cared for them but the Noah and akuma killed them. Can you really live with yourselves knowing you didn't do all you could to protect the innocent from the evil that was threatening them. You can make a difference and save them. Be better hero's then before." Komui says.

I had to give it to him when it came down to it he could really convince someone there on the wrong side, well unless there the Noah.

Nezu sighs before nodding." All teachers here at UA will help you, though I cannot say the same for the rest of the hero's." Nezu says turning to them." Will you fight with us, or stand on the side lines as everyone is killed and you have to live with the thought that you could of done something to save the human race." Nezu says the whole time wearing a smile. Damn he's manipulative.

The hero's sigh before shaking there heads." Fine we all agree, we will talk to the other hero's and get them to join as well." I smirk, we're one step closer to ending all of it.

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